In Malice's Wake - The Thrashening (Ermz, James Murphy, Plec, JeffTD)

This sounds so awesome. Everything is so clear and punchy. All the instruments sit nicely with each other, and the tones and music make it great too!
I love the rhythm and lead guitar sounds... But it seems like the vocals have a little too much reverb on them for my taste.

Oh, and just wanted to say, that going on your website and listening to some of the bands has introduced me to some new bands that I wouldn't have heard, otherwise. So thank you!
Damn, man. Late and all, but I love the whole thing. Those drums kick you in the throat the moment they get going. I'd love to learn how to get such a violent sound.
Ah cool, nice surprise to see this thread back.

Charlez, the drums were a Tama kit that the drummer brought in with Paiste 2002 series cymbals. Kick is 100% replaced, snare is augmented and the toms are all natural.

iamspartacus, really glad to hear that!

schwinginbatman, the drums on this are a bit different to my other stuff of late. 9k saturation instead of 4k to retain more transient snap, and no parallel compression. Just distressor and and dbx160 on kick and snare. I think everything else was ITB, Duende Native. The cymbals were close-mic'ed for more clarity than space.
Hmm, I can't remember exactly TBH. Odds are it was a combination of the Lexicon Vintage Plate and Room verbs though, knowing how I've been working lately. I may have opted out of the room and gone for more of a 'hall' vibe for this one though. I know I automated the bigger screams into a ~3 second instance of Random Hall for extra sustain, so at times there are 3 different verbs on the vocals. I really like the modulation of the Random Hall - sounds like your vocals bounce around endlessly.

I dig the 2002 series, Dean, but I greatly prefer working with Sabian cymbals. They tend to have more articulation and sound more 'metal', especially the rides, which seem almost universally godlike.

EDIT: Since a lot of you guys are hearing this for the first time, I'd rather you hear my favourite track on the record, in higher quality: Malice's Wake - Nuclear Shadow.mp3 . Has a bit of a thrashy Celtic Frost vibe - really played up the reverbs on this one. The vocals at the end of this song slay me - I could barely stop moshing long enough to finish the mix.
Sounds great guys.

I might want you guys to do my next record that I'm writing.

What are you rates?

PM me.