Untruth - Sons of the Vanquished (Ermz, AEL89, JeffTD, Plec)


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Untruth just released their new promo-single, which we recorded a few months ago.

You can stream directly from their facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/UNTRUTHmetal?sk=app_178091127385

Or in much higher quality from the Systematic homepage: http://www.systematicproductions.com/

Credits list for this one goes as such:

Drum recording & editing: Troy Mccosker
Recording & Mixing: Ermin Hamidovic
Rhythm guitar reamping: Alex Loring
Lead guitar reamping: Jeff Dunne
Mastering: Thomas 'Plec' Johansson

Went for something a bit 'rawer' than their EP. Drums are way more natural, and the whole thing is a lot more up front and dry, to suit the style of the new song.
yeah man I saw it like 2 mins after they posted it yesterday and gave it a few spins, really like the production!
Sounds tits!
Song is cool too, altho I dunno...somehow feels a bit "expected", for lack of other words. Nice to hear different kind of vocals going on
Sounds pretty awesome, but holy shit that riff they're playing is awkward as hell, makes the timing seem really screwed up.
I don't hear anything awkward about the riff at all... Maybe you're not hearing the triplet vibe during the thrash beat? Count the kicks there in groups of three and it will make more sense.
Maybe I'm retarded, but it's just not clicking with me. I've got the same problem with Killswitch songs, I just can't figure out the timing. (Although that's not the reason why I can't stand them, lolz.)

Sorry to derail the thread, carry on!

EDIT: Is this the song you posted the drum stems from?
Cool, thanks for listening.

The song does have a bit of a staggered pace to it. It was quite hard to mix coherently - hence the call to keep it more raw. I originally had a much wetter snare etc. but it just didn't work with the music.

@Allan: This is not the song I posted the drums to in the OP of that thread, but I did post it toward the end, with a bass guitar rolling on top.
Really digging the production here. Perhaps a bit crowded in the mids for my tastes, but otherwise it sounds lush and fat. I like the fact that your fondness to the "Staub style" and radio-rockish production often shines through in your work even if you weren't necessarily going for that. It's refreshing!
Great job as always dude! The vocal layering makes it. Reverb on the vocals is awesome - any details on that? I'm always asking you that question
Didn't I already tell you at some point, Alex? Haha.

It's just a combination of Lexicon PCM reverbs, from memory. Likely the Room and Vintage Plate!

Haha yeh I checked my emails about 10 minutes after posting that. Those reverbs just work so damn well!
I appreciate you all listening. The guys have a video clip coming for this song before the end of the year. I'll update this thread with it when it comes out. Sort of a promotional pre-lude to another EP they're doing next year.

@Alex: Yeah they're pretty cool. Been my go-to verbs for about 2 years now I guess. At times I do want for something a little more 'colourful' and less pristine sounding. Hoping that LX480 finally gets done and we can spice up our drums with some 480L goodness.