My best high-fantasy metal... (Plec, Lasse, Ermz)

man sounds EPIC.... not my style of music at ALL but nice job.

i agree with an above comment about the MID part of the M/S spectrum seeming quite subdued?

hard to get a grasp from just a teaser though but the stereo imaging is huuuuuuuuuuuuuuge.

you use VCC on this? =D
Not my cup of tea really, but goddamn Ermz, absolutely insane. I do think the vocals are probably a bit too loud, but this mix is ridiculous. Excellent job dude, surely this prepared you for Skyrim tomorrow ;)
Cheers for listening.

I'd suggest hanging to hear a full song before judging whether this or not is too loud or out of whack. It's a conceptual record, so it was all about automation. There are sections where the vocals are subdued, loud, orchestration's loud, subdued, dense, sparse etc. It all varies on the movement of the tracks. It just so happens the teaser clip was taken from one of the most dense, vocal-centric parts on the whole album.

No VCC on this one. Just trusty 'ol Nebula I'm afraid :)

No Skyrim either sadly. I'm away all weekend tracking drums for a radio rock CD, then straight back to mixing (this time with VCC!) after.
So still haven't tried VCC ? If you could A/B it against nebula in rock/metal situations it could be interesing, i've only found A/B that didn't convince me of too much a difference to care fore the extra hassle of nebula but would be interested just in case.
Awesome, we jammed with this drummer (if it's the same guy) in one of my bands a few weeks ago... Had no idea you were doing their album. Sounds great! And I don't think it's any cheesier than some of the bro shit out there currently...
Thanks for listening guys. I appreciate you giving it a fair listen, even if it's not inherently your favourite type of music.

So still haven't tried VCC ? If you could A/B it against nebula in rock/metal situations it could be interesing, i've only found A/B that didn't convince me of too much a difference to care fore the extra hassle of nebula but would be interested just in case.

I'm mixing with it on an album right now. The idea is to have a big, real-world VCC vs Nebula vs ITB shoot-out.
I think this is beyond a doubt one of the mixes I liked best that came from the forum. Respect to all people involved!

It's super challenging to mix a metal band with orchestrations and a lot of dynamic instrumentation and everything sounds top notch. I can't wait for more of this.

and btw, am I the only one who thinks the visuals are awesome? teaser, logo, album cover, etc...
I think this is beyond a doubt one of the mixes I liked best that came from the forum. Respect to all people involved!

It's super challenging to mix a metal band with orchestrations and a lot of dynamic instrumentation and everything sounds top notch. I can't wait for more of this.

and btw, am I the only one who thinks the visuals are awesome? teaser, logo, album cover, etc...

Absolutely, I can barely get a mix together without all of the strings and choirs and that whole "epic" sound. This mix just has that amazing aural landscape.

And ditto on the visuals, too. Although, I must say, it looks as cheesy as it sounds!
For me this is all about not taking yourself seriously and just having fun with it. I get a feeling that the band may have had a similar past to me, what with video and pen & paper games. We're all wrapped up with that romanticism of just escaping for a little while in a totally different reality. The cheese is half the appeal!

You can really hear that they've put years of work into these songs, so even if you don't align with the music itself, you've got to respect that!
Music is a little too cheesy, even for my liking, but the mix is as good as anything I'd expect from you dude. Nice work.
It's refreshing to hear you working on more material of this nature, or at least as a tangent from the thrash and death you were stuck on for a while (I mean that in the nicest possible way).
Well, from my POV it's perhaps not quite as you see it, because this is, to my knowledge, the hardest type of music to mix in metal (if not in general?). Balancing over 120 tracks per song - many of them competing for the exact same midrange space - needing to ride everything all the time just to keep it clear is quite a task. It's basically the workload of two mix jobs in one, which is largely why I'm so proud of how this one turned out. There was so much to overcome, but we did it in the end!

Thrash on the other hand is literally just a separation job. Make it clear, make it brutal and the only dynamic state of the music is 'GOGOGOGOGO!'. Much easier to work on!

I haven't really done any death metal since that Polish band put up that mix comp here. Was really hoping that would've gone through but the guys ran out of cash entirely and it never happened. I love death metal, and would really enjoy getting stuck into a quality album in the genre.

Btw, the band have released the full version of the title track here:

Well, from my POV it's perhaps not quite as you see it, because this is, to my knowledge, the hardest type of music to mix in metal (if not in general?). Balancing over 120 tracks per song - many of them competing for the exact same midrange space - needing to ride everything all the time just to keep it clear is quite a task. It's basically the workload of two mix jobs in one, which is largely why I'm so proud of how this one turned out. There was so much to overcome, but we did it in the end!

I totally agree with you, Most bands (if not all of them) I produce are power or symphonic metal, Where there are Keyboards everywhere rhythm guitars + 2 lead guitars playing in thirds. Thousands of Vocals and doublebassdrum everywhere. It's one hell of a surgical work. Recently been side chaining Vocals with the String Pads and this helped a bit. Once I had to mix a demo for a thrash band and it was so much easier and perhaps even made more fun, cause you have more space to experiment. Anyways i'm still far away from your level Ermin, Great Job as always!:headbang:
I'm not sure if you meant that in response to what I posted but I completely agree with this.
I didn't actually mean that I didn't like the mix, quite the contrary.

Well, from my POV it's perhaps not quite as you see it, because this is, to my knowledge, the hardest type of music to mix in metal (if not in general?). Balancing over 120 tracks per song - many of them competing for the exact same midrange space - needing to ride everything all the time just to keep it clear is quite a task. It's basically the workload of two mix jobs in one, which is largely why I'm so proud of how this one turned out. There was so much to overcome, but we did it in the end!
I'm not sure if you meant that in response to what I posted but I completely agree with this.
I didn't actually mean that I didn't like the mix, quite the contrary.

Yeah it was in response, but I wasn't defending the mix -I get what you meant! The only comment I was making is that working on more prog/power material may not be as 'good' a thing from my end as it may seem from yours!

@Chris: That's really awesome news. Truth be told, I think that may be the first release I've ever worked on which has hit the major metal news outlets. Congrats, and best of luck with the launch!
Definitely found something to jam to while playing Skyrim. Awesome job on everyones part.