In Malice's Wake - The Thrashening (Ermz, James Murphy, Plec, JeffTD)

Good call, GH, yes it was a 5150 III. As always when working with that amp, balancing the mids was a delicate, and sometimes daunting process. It really likes to eat into vocal space, and in my experience takes a fair bit more taming than the Peavey version. The off-shoot benefit is that it actually works with rawer music, unlike the Peavey with its super saturated/processed characteristic. Deadlines were a big factor in this one. The version you're hearing is actually one revision away from being the 'intended' final product. So it's about 90... 95% to where it was supposed to be. All the same, I think a solid record.

Jaymz, the action was exactly as it came from the factory. It played great, so all I did was intonate it. Action is pretty low/awesome, but the BTBs generally play like that anyway. It's a pretty great instrument. I wouldn't say it's for amateurs though. It takes a LOT of EQ balancing work to sit properly in a mix. The potential is there, but the amount of work needed to uncover it is monolithic. Ash basses tend to be like that. Good grit, but really muddy and undefined lows that need some tweakitude to sing properly.
So I guess you forgot the idea of buying that "hifi" bass you posted clips a few months ago ?

This one looks sweet anyway. You can't go too wrong with this line of basses.
I'm not really a fan of the guitar tone, and the cymbals sound a bit weird at times (well, one part only I guess), but I love the bass, and overall it's great. The solo reverb is also great.
A solid release and production for sure! I'm going to refrain from any mix comments as I KNOW my bias towards this type of thrash would totally rape any effort I made to critique it honestly =D
yeah, Mesa oversized (aka Standard) cab... 57. boost was an ibanez ts808.

for solos i switched from the 5150 III to a JSX
I believe James used his Mesa Oversize 4x12 and an SM57. Ibanez TS808 boost. Fairly standard, safe chain.

@CJ: Bias 'towards' or 'against' this type of thrash? :lol:

ahahahaha, neither. great work.

and yes, i knew it! JSX on leads! So happy we just got one........! =D
Yeah I was quite pleased with the vibe captured on the leads. The Peaveys are generally fantastic lead amps. Great saturation character. I think the Blackouts worked out better in that case for us than the JB did.

Nebulous here has had a JSX for ages now. We got a lot of practice tracking that one. While I could never quite get a rhythm sound I liked from it, I always loved the lead tone. Cleans were good too, from memory. The 5150 III has some amazing cleans too, almost goes without saying, being a Fender amp and all.
FWIW, the bass we used was the BTB705DX I bought a few months ago.


The grit really came all from the player, the bass just channeled it into a usable range. Most violent I've ever heard. Was partially deaf in my right ear after every session due to the volume of acoustic fret buzz. There was no way it was not going to be prominent in the mix.

great mix, really fits the genre, I think.

funny side note.

on my last session, the bass player had the exact same bass but he was more of a smooth finger style player so the tone is very different.

I like the bass tone a lot.
This guy was insanely violent. He would wear through a .88 mm Tortex in about half a day.

It's funny but yes this bass is quite capable of doing the softer style tones well too. Just illustrates how important the player is with this instrument.
I just listened to the song you posted on a Sansamp PSA-1 thread and I think this is
the best metal mix I've heard from you. I'm curious about the drums, can you give me any details about them?

yeah and sorry for bumping this