Caparison owners: thoughts on the Schaller floyds?

The Schaller trems are awesome. I've had a fair amount of playing time on just about every trem under the sun and have owned OFR's, Schallers, Original Edge's, Edge Pro's etc tec. I definitely have to say that after owning an ESP Horizon NT-II, currently owning a Caparison Angelus HGS, and having a fair amount of playing time on a couple of Dellingers, between the ESP and the Caparison I'd definitely go with the Caparison. I really prefer the Dellinger's neck profile over the ESP's...and there's that classic Caparison grunt that I've yet to hear in any other guitar.
The Schaller trems are awesome. I've had a fair amount of playing time on just about every trem under the sun and have owned OFR's, Schallers, Original Edge's, Edge Pro's etc tec. I definitely have to say that after owning an ESP Horizon NT-II, currently owning a Caparison Angelus HGS, and having a fair amount of playing time on a couple of Dellingers, between the ESP and the Caparison I'd definitely go with the Caparison. I really prefer the Dellinger's neck profile over the ESP's...and there's that classic Caparison grunt that I've yet to hear in any other guitar.

Cheers for the info! I needed to hear it from somebody, such as yourself, who has had experience with em all! I had an original Edge on an '87 RG550 and that thing was so damn stable that I could divebomb all day!

I actually prefer thicker necks, so the Caparison necks will fit me well.

I also prefer the styling of the Dellinger as opposed to the NT-II. Hell, it looks too much like my desert burst Les Paul. :)

Anyone here owned an HGS model? Is it a significant benefit over the regulars?


I have an HGS Horus, the bridge is moved back a bit I believe.. whatever the case is I can setup the intonation for drop B.. and the walnut body is sexy.
Hey guys, update...

I decided to go with the ESP Horizon NT-II. It is a much better deal for me, since I am not getting back as much on my tax return as I thought, lol. Also, I've wanted this one for a long time. I was trying to justify the Caparison because it looks damn sexy, but I've ended up wanting to pull my hair out with every Floyd I've had, even though I know how to maintain them pretty well.

I should have her in a couple weeks. I plan on EMG 81(b) and EMG 85 (n) w/ 18 volt mod. \m/

Hey Joe. Congrats

I think you made a great choice.Horizon is great value for money for what it offers.

You won't regret it
Willll post pics!

Thanks guys! Yeah, I by no means hate floyds, I just don't utilize them enough/at all lol to want to deal with the maintenance they require. The Caparison was also $600 more and I'm trying to save as much moneys as possible right now.

Yep! Scat-burst FTW! Hahaha.. Honestly, if we didn't get shafted on colors from ESP here in the US, and I could have gotten it in black, it would have been no contest from the beginning.

I have a soft spot in my heart for brownish/dark finishes, so I'm pretty happy with this one!
