
Depending on your personal taste - horus has gibson scale (24.75) while dellinger has strat scale (25.5).
Pickups also can be different: dellinger has PH-R in bridge wich is higher output than BH-IIR.
Some peoples changes the last one for something else with more output.
Relating to Caparison guitars in general: very good build quality etc.
I have TAT model (early one) - another thought about Jackson Soloist.
Personally I`m prefer older soloists with poplar wings.
One significant addition - caparisons have non-recessed floyds - I very like it (same as my charvels), but some peoples don`t.
On the topic of Caparisons, I'm really curious as to what you guys think about the company's strategy for their HGS models. Apparently (according to their rep at NAMM) they keep the neck the same length (24.75" in the case of the Angelus, which is the one I really want), but move the bridge back 3 mm. Assuming this seemingly tiny distance actually makes a difference, what do you guys think of this solution compared with a proper 25.5" neck? It seems like keeping the same neck length/fret ratio but shifting the bridge would make intonation problems, and right now, I'm between an Angelus HGS or a Carvin CT6, this neck issue being the big determiner...
If you like low tunings then for proper intonation you must move sadles back. But sometimes you can`t longer move sadles because sadles can not be moved further - you miss one or two millimeters. That is why caparison makes HGS with bridge moved back for 3mm. Same problem persists with 25.5 neck (I suppose). As peoples says there is not any intonation problems on HGS models. Shorter neck scale give just different sound. If you don`t want to tune so low then you need non-HGS model.
Thanks deLuther, though it seems to me that having a 25.5" neck would make sense for moving the bridge to keep the ratio, but just moving the bridge itself - well, I just wanna be sure from all you tech folk. Any other thoughts? And does anyone happen to know how much that blue flamed-maple Angelus HGS runs?