CARCASS Producer COLIN RICHARDSON Quits Mixing New Album; ANDY SNEAP Steps In - Mar

This is worrying news to me as a big Carcass fan since my all time favourite heavy album, 'Necroticism' was released.
I hope everything's ok with Colin.

I'm also glad Sneap's the one taking over mixing duties instead of someone else.
Colin and Andy have been my favourite metal mixers for so many years now. :headbang:
Bill Steer
"A lot of what is happening now is based on rhythms rather than actual riffs. We were discussing this a lot during record sessions about how the riff is almost dying or dead already. People spend a lot of time chugging on the bottom string [but] that's a rhythm, it's not a riff. We can't write a song, never mind an album, without it being chock-full of riffs."

That's a huge reason i'm really looking forward for this album
Recording quality will be awesome since Colin did the job,and the mixing will be massive as always by andy,really can't wait
Bill Steer
"A lot of what is happening now is based on rhythms rather than actual riffs. We were discussing this a lot during record sessions about how the riff is almost dying or dead already. People spend a lot of time chugging on the bottom string [but] that's a rhythm, it's not a riff. We can't write a song, never mind an album, without it being chock-full of riffs."

That's a huge reason i'm really looking forward for this album
Recording quality will be awesome since Colin did the job,and the mixing will be massive as always by andy,really can't wait

I guess Bill Steer is referring to metalcore and deathcore, as opposed to actual death metal. Maybe he hasn't heard any recent stuff lately?
I guess Bill Steer is referring to metalcore and deathcore, as opposed to actual death metal. Maybe he hasn't heard any recent stuff lately?

No harm either. Older death metal is best. More genuine sounding instead of the millions of Suffocation clones polluting the scene. Can't wait for this!! :Smokin:
Seems Colin just got burnt out and hit a wall with the mix? In a strange way that makes me feel a lot better. If someone as brilliant as he can get frustrated and pass off a mix, I don't feel nearly as bad for constantly beating my head against the wall with many of my projects...
No harm either. Older death metal is best. More genuine sounding instead of the millions of Suffocation clones polluting the scene. Can't wait for this!! :Smokin:

I agree. But I maintain it's a bit of a silly statement. I don't complain about the repetitive nature of Top 40 pop music when discussing my band's next old school death metal album haha
I agree. But I maintain it's a bit of a silly statement. I don't complain about the repetitive nature of Top 40 pop music when discussing my band's next old school death metal album haha

You are talking about 2 completely different genres there and it holds no relevance to the original point made. I agree with Bill's statement in that nowadays extreme metal bands rely too much on chugging on their respective low string as opposed to having "riffs". Carcass always had riffs, as did Morbid Angel, Entombed and their peers at the time. Should be killer with Andy onboard.
You are talking about 2 completely different genres there and it holds no relevance to the original point made. I agree with Bill's statement in that nowadays extreme metal bands rely too much on chugging on their respective low string as opposed to having "riffs". Carcass always had riffs, as did Morbid Angel, Entombed and their peers at the time. Should be killer with Andy onboard.

What I'm trying to point out is that Bill's complaint about the lack of riffs is equivalent to talking about two different genres. Death metal built on riffs never went away if you know where to look. That's all I'm saying. He's saying there's too much emphasis on chugging and rhythm, but that's not really death metal, now is it?
Could be that they were trying to steer the project in a direction that Colin didn't want to take it in. I've certainly wanted to quit mid-way through a mix quite a few times, haha.

Realistically though, mixing to that level is an extremely taxing process. It takes a lot out of a mix engineer, and Colin has been at it for so many years. Combine that with recent personal tragedies and that's a right recipe for burning out.

Anyway, keen to hear what Andy does with it. Hoping for a stylistic homage to Heartwork.... plzzzzz.
Not that it matters much, but for me it seems more like it was just a problem of incompatibility of musical direction between band and Producer/mixer.

Sometimes it happens, it seems to be the right recipe for success and it doesn't work.
It has happened with other big bands and big producers/mixers before.

I remember there was a well known band (rock or metal can't remember) that dropped a full record after it didn't work out with "x" big Producer because it didn't work out.
Then they made/recorded a new album with another big producer and it was a big success.

Can't remember who it was. Or I dreamed about it. :D
Sorry to disappoint anyone looking for scandal but its all pretty straight forward. Colin's been on the album for months, heard it relentlessly day in and day out and just felt like it needed fresh ears. I've been there myself plenty of times and would quite happily hand a mix over to Colin if I felt the same way and he was available. I've know Colin since the early 90's and we've always got on great, always talk (shit) and send mixes to each other for second opinions so this was a bit of no brainer really. They've been recording it 30 minutes up the road from me, I've also been friends with Bill and jeff for years so it all seemed quite logical. The recording sounds really good, I'm loving the songs, great energy to the playing so I really have high hopes for it.