CARCASS Producer COLIN RICHARDSON Quits Mixing New Album; ANDY SNEAP Steps In - Mar

I have an iTunes playlist called "Mixing Reference". It's full of Sneap and Richardson stuff and I can tell that I never found any of their mixes on the hot side of mastering, ever. In fact, TEOH and the Nevermore stuff is not "loud" at all. I should listen less to my clients (some even demanded specifically -7dB RMS for no other reason than being super fucking loud).
Hopefully its not a Heartwork great as it was I'd like to hear Carcass in a new form...maybe setting a new standard for metal. :hotjump:
Frankly if anyone wants to look me in the eye and say that The End Of Heartache, A Snow Capped Romance, Dark Roots Of Earth, Khaos Legions, This World They'll Drown, Tenth Dimension etc all sound "the same" then they need their fucking hearing checked!

And as for the "too compressed/brickwalled" comments, most of these idiots are just using popular buzzwords and have likely never listened to a dynamic master without complaining that "this albums too quiet"

Couldnt agree more Trev
Yea of all the stuff out there, I reference Sneaps stuff more because he's usually a few dB LOWER and still punchy...
In other news, J. Walker said Colin quit to mix the next Trivium record. Shots fired!
So, we end up having two of the most talented metal producer/engineers in the world both working on a highly anticipated new record from one of the best and most influential metal bands of all time, and people still find reasons to bitch about it on the Internet...
I saw one comment suggesting Sturgis...huh? Kids these days...

you might know it, but joey can mix the fuck out of some old-school death metal. i know it isn't the type of shit he usually works with so no one really knows...but dude started out doing straight-up grindcore shit, then a bunch of kids latched onto his style, and the rest is history...
I am pretty sure Lasse meant it as a joke ;)

I'm sooooo excited to hear that album...words can't describe!

Just wanna say - ozone do a lot of realy crazy things with capturing stuff, maybe it would be something intresting to making classic (true to type) Carcass sound into modern environment. May be just that, a recognizable sound awaiting Carcass fans from new stuff :p
Woah, just read the blabbermouth comments. So much hate. You don't have to look far to see how the metal scene shoots itself in the foot.

Seriously. I'm 34 years old. I've been listening to metal my entire life. One of the biggest problems in this scene/genre is the immature attitude that most 'fans' have.

So, we end up having two of the most talented metal producer/engineers in the world both working on a highly anticipated new record from one of the best and most influential metal bands of all time, and people still find reasons to bitch about it on the Internet...

This is my thinking. Glad to see a real band coming up with new stuff. Having 2 of the greatest Metal producers working on it is just a bonus imo.

Cheers Andy I can't wait to hear it!

I think that this mixing thing will prove to be a very good move when it's all said and done. Seriously can't wait!