Catch 22.V.08 Thread

Catch 22 V.08 is simply fucking radical album, Peter sounds damnright evil and possessed as hell on it, the guitars crunch, the album just damnright rocks. I am impressed, good work Peter! Im glad I picked this one up, to all the people that question V.08, you will be suprised, one of my friends thought it was Bloodbath for a minute..

I will be looking to the horizon for the new HYPOCRISY record.
this was a smart move from Peter no doubt, I never though I'd like this album, Bloodbathish vocals helped quite a lot, but the better production overall too

he said he didn't want to have one album in his whole discography that has bad overall acceptance in his fans circle, while all the others are loved by most

2009 is so far away man, it's been 3 years since Virus..

Don't Judge Me, Uncontrolled and Turn The Page slay the most

I can listen over and over to the screaming at the end of Don't Judge Me
hell he should re-record every album before Arrival besides The Final Chapter and Abducted

the Penetralia and Osculum Obscenum re-recorded tracks on 10 Years of Chaos and Confusion actually sound worse to me instrumental wise..
i think the same with the osculum track, but no more re-record please... the versions of "the fourth dimension" and "apocalypse" aren't so good... you can't replace the acoustic guitar on the first for those "piano-orchestra" parts and also don't like the same thing with apocalypse... also the growly voices replacing the clean vocals aren't good for me

penetralia i think is the best of that versions, however, a song like osculum needs more that fuckin pig death-black sound

original fourth dimension is really a perfect song for me
hmmm... today i just listened to some music and chilled on my couch. i just stared at the wall when i finally began to examine my virus poster. then i read: "in stores 19.09.2005" and i was like what the fuck? it's been almost three years since the last hypocrisy? can't fucking believe it. time passes by so damn fast, but i guess one of the reasons is peters music that i enjoy almost every day! can't wait for a new record and i hope he won't let us hunger any much longer...

edit: just noticed that my post is totally off topic but... :'(
yes I started a thread a while back named : ALMOST 3 FUCKING YEARS or something like that

As I can see, your hunger has not been filled by Catch 22 2008

me neither

its like feeding a soda biscuit to a man who just crossed the fucking sahara desert
i hope im not missunderstood. i like the new catch22, maybe a little better than the old one (cause of the vocal style which suites the songs very well) but it was obvious to me that a cd with tracks that i already knew could not really delight me for a very long time. its just like a best-of cd. you know all the tracks and just buy it to complete your collection or whatever. so you dont have to switch cds because your favorite songs gladly are just in a row or what do i know. what ever reasons you have, but it is that special feeling about knew songs that of course was missing. wow, havent seen this coming.. oh, nice clean part... uuuuuuuuh that solo is sweet. i'm gonne rewind and give that song another listen....
well I think the whole point is FUCK RE-RECORDINGS

why not looking forward instead of looking behind?

thats the point!!!

well, a lot of bands are doing this now... sodom, destruction, tankard... hypocrisy, etc

maybe the creative brains needs some rest... or some more money
the versions of "the fourth dimension" and "apocalypse" aren't so good... you can't replace the acoustic guitar on the first for those "piano-orchestra" parts and also don't like the same thing with apocalypse... also the growly voices replacing the clean vocals aren't good for me

penetralia i think is the best of that versions, however, a song like osculum needs more that fuckin pig death-black sound

original fourth dimension is really a perfect song for me

yeeep, to me the worst of all were those clean vocals being replaced by growls and screams..