I like it. ;] That's true that they could make a new album instead of this one, but despite this I really like the new version of Catch 22. Especially Turn The Page and Another Dead End. Good job imho. 

Just had another good listen, damn this is a great album now
Oh wow this sucks fucking cock. I have to wait an hour to fucking download it again. Thanks for the password Tumn.
I have always had a soft spot for this record. It reminds me of graduating college back in 2002. I listened to it a ton back then. With this new version, i am still able to keep the two separate, which im pretty fond of.
Even though this is just a re-release with some redone vocals, i really dig this. The drum sound is SO much better than that "st anger trash can" sound they had on the first version. However, there are a few things im somewhat dissapointed about:
The part on hatred that breaks down to a clean vocal on the origonal-"you try to twist me, i spit in your face" part. I loved the clean on the first version-i think he should have kept that version
All turns black-im still trying to figure out if he re-did the clean vocals here or not. Sometimes, it sounds the same, sometimes i listen to it and i hear a few subttle differences. however, Peter put a big reverb on the vocal track, making it sound pretty awesome.
on the upside, there are parts of these songs that i NOW can hear what he is saying-more pronounced lyrics.
Don't you all just love peter? Re-recording just for the fans. If you like the original or not, i can't think of any band re-releasing an album because of their fans.
Don't you all just love peter? Re-recording just for the fans. If you like the original or not, i can't think of any band re-releasing an album because of their fans.
For the ones who are eager to get their hands on a new hypocrisy album..., i'd rather wait a while for a killer album. Be blessed with the fact you're already infected with the virus called HYPOCRISY!!