CD burning software

Oct 22, 2007

I have mixed and mastered(ish) copies of all my bands songs (in cubase and in wav format) ready to put on this blank CD i have in my hand. How can i get them onto the disc? It's a retarded question i know.

Best solution i've found is windows media player- but that puts 2 second gaps in between songs. Is there any free software that allows me to make a CD with no gaps?

I'm downloading a free trial of adobe audition, will that do the job?

I'm really confused and i don't know what to search for- is it "mastering" "burning" or which?
Maybe best option is to make CUE-list (manualy) and join your wave files into one peace (maybe this step can be bypassed).
So you can burn this image with freeware burners (supporting CUE).
Best choice is to use software like Steinberg Wavelab, Samplitude also has similar capabilities, but not sure for later case.
Maybe you should try to find some freeware CUE-editor and burner?
Put all your songs in 1 44.1khz 16 bit wav file and call it 'Final.wav'

go to

read it and download the soundforge trail. Read the tutorial on that site to learn how to make markers and how to export them.
Paste the info in the wizard on that site.
If your final wave file is called "Final" and you want to place the cue in the same folder (recommended), you should fill in Final.wav when the wizard asks for a location.

Oh yeah, copy the text when it asks for a confirmation and paste that text in an empty wordpad file and change the extension from .txt to .cue because when you save it from the site, it ads some weird backslashes that fuck it up :)

Burn the cue with nero or some other software
Even though it isn't free, seriously look at CD Architech by Sony Creative Software (formally Sound Forge). Gives you complete control over the timing of a CD (especially with negative time markers) and has a auto checker for Redbook standard. I'll use it to build a final master image of the CD and then mass duplicate with Nero or Alcohol 120%