CD Buying addiction......

Nov 28, 2002
San Fransisco, CA
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Does anyone else here feel like theyre addicted to buying cds? I was gonna chill out and not buy any for a while (ive been buying atleast 1 for the last 3 weeks or so) but now i just found two amazing albums i must own (Agalloch - The Mantle, Winds - Reflections of the I) :yell: :yell: :yell: :yell:
i found myself buying 3 cds in a store last time that totaled $55 without even thinking about it.. then afterwards i realized what an idiot i was.. now i know only to buy them on the internet :-/
Yes I have a major cd buying addiction I've brought about 330 cd's(and more on order) in the last two months but I didn't have any cd's before then though.
That happens to me a lot. Even if I've got four or five unlistened-to CDs sitting on my desk at home, I get the urge to swing by MVC or Virgin and see what's there. I like Virgin, because they have a rack labelled "Metal & Nu-Metal" - kind of gratifying to see the distinction being pointed out in a high-street shop.
I too have a problem with this. At my worst point, I felt bad if I went one day without buying a new or used CD. Sometimes I would buy something I hadn't even heard before just to get through the day. Right now I probably have it down to 3 or 4 a week. The bad thing is though is that my credit card company just raised my credit limit recently and I've been spending most of my time online at The End just buying shit like crazy. It seriously is like any other addiction. It can get you in trouble real fast.
I dont tend to buy a great deal of CDs. I've got a fair collection, but the wonders of the internet allows getting hold of music so much easier that traipsing various CD stores looking for something you want.
I have such a problem... I fucked up and bought 20 CDs from The End around Christmas. It was worth it though, but cost be about $270 I think.
I have the same addiction. I always seem to have a few CDs in transit that I have won on ebay, occasionally I find something good at FYE in the mall (i found the new Finntroll there yesterday, lol.... Finntroll cd at the mall, ive seen it all now), but normally I stock up in the city. My friend owns a really good metal store here in Philly, and I get shit really cheap at his store (which doesnt help my addiction, lol). There are a few other stores in the city that I shop at, but mainly I stick to my friends place. Because of the discount I normally come home with anywhere between 7 and 15 CDs a night.

My record haul for one night is 24 cds.
Pretty much my entire pay cheque each month goes on albums, I only get £170 - £220 because I only work saturdays, but still... Also my ebay account is linked to my Dad's credit card, so umm....yeah :erk: I pay him off in installments though..
yeah definitely. CD buying is uncontrollable for me. If I go to the store I can't help but get 4 to 6 cds at a time. I have an extensive collection, although getting an iPod was the best decision of my life--I don't have to lug those things around on trips anymore, and in the car it's been crucial. Never bought any cds from the net, however. I never thought it was safe, but I must give it a try sometime soon, now that I'm equipped with a new credit card