

Not blessed, or merciful
Apr 11, 2001
Sarf Lundin, Innit
I found their Last Fair Deal Gone Down CD today; I thought they'd been reviewed on UM, but my memory must be hazy, cos I can't find the review now:eek:

Anyway, having never heard them, and buying it on a whim, I'm happy to say they're VERY good! I'm enjoying it immensely, and still on the first listen!

Anyone heard of these guys? If so, what do you think of them?

NP: Katatonia, Last Fair Deal Gone Down
katatonia is one of my favorite bands. The new is suberb. It is the third album from katatonia mark III. they've changed sounds a few times, but they always been sad and low....their earlier stuff is Paradise lost, a la Gothic and maybe shades. They are from sweden.

their first album, dance of december souls and the following ep (for funerals to come) is straight up doom/death metal ala gothic. their second full length features mr. akerfeldt on vox for most of the album, it is called brave murder day. its is very minimalistic and sad...melodic with lots of repetitive song structures. kind of the hint of their new sound, but still had the death vox.

then they releases discouraged ones after a few eps, and that is the birth of katatonia as we know then now. clean vocals and minimal melodic repetive song strutuces. good stuff. tonight's decision followed, and that is a fantastic album. they sound very confident in their sound. their new is a continuation and an improvement. its an amazng album. i recommend all their stuff, but i'm mostly a fan of their later stuff, discouraged ones and onward. it does have a modern anathema feel to it. but katatonia still has their own sound...
side note...
their guitarist is blackheim from diabolical masquerade. the DM album is really good too.

np: ulver kveldsjanger
i know that not all metal fan like katatonia, but i like them because they are simply genious,amazing,etc.....

the lyrics and the music they play are excellent !
from start to end.......

i could call them depressive metal!
I've been a impressed with Katatonia from the first time I heard them. Being a huge black metal fanatic, I picked up Century Black's "Firestarter" compilation because of the great music and great name. I heard Katatonia's "Murder" on that compilaion and was very impressed. Although it wasn't black metal, the dark and minimalistic music with the incredible vocals quickly caught my attention.
yeah. its good. it is in the same vein as gothic era PL. very good album, though a little sloppy as far as the playing goes, and the production is pretty bad. but its worth it. growled vocals etc. great cd. the 'for funerals to come' ep is also really good. check em both out.

I had Dance of December Souls, but it was lost in an incident I mentioned in a post on the Opeth board. All in all I thought it was a great album, even though the production was terrible. Then again, Dakthrone had horrible production, but they did that purposely.
katatonia is great, no arguing about this anymore.
I just can't understand how can someone love Opeth, and don't like Katatonia.

Everyone who is Anathema should check out Saturnus - Martyre (2000,Euphonious), and those doom metal lovers should check out Yearning debut With Tragedies Adorned (1997,Holy Recs) and Saturnus debut Paradise Belongs to You (1997,Euphonious).

Opeth fans (those who like progressive challengive music) can find many things interesting on Plaintive Scenes (by Yearning again, 1999, Holy) and Opeth fans into acoustic-guitars-only (like me) will be delightened with Tenhi - Kauan (released on Prophecy Productions,1999) and Empyrium - Where at Night the Wood Grouse Plays (Prophecy Prod., 1999).

Hope someone will also discover these phantastic bands.
Happy listenings !