CD Buying addiction......

Scourge of Malice said:
Does anyone else here feel like theyre addicted to buying cds? I was gonna chill out and not buy any for a while (ive been buying atleast 1 for the last 3 weeks or so) but now i just found two amazing albums i must own (Agalloch - The Mantle, Winds - Reflections of the I) :yell: :yell: :yell: :yell:
This was a big problem of mine when I had the money to spend $100.00 a week on CDs. Now I find myself downloading shit like crazy. When I have money, the addiction will start all over again.
My addiction is getting out of control, I'm up around 2 to 3 cds a week, I just can't help myself, I equate my pay checks into the number of cds I could buy per day. My friends and I are in debt to each other because of our trips to tower records. I'd say about 75% of our income go to cds.
I'm not sure. I could stand not buying CDs. IF i really want something i can download it off soulseek or something. Even the more hard to find shit or demos, but nothing beats the great feeling of holding a new album in your hards...I remember when i bought Darkthrone's A blaze in the northern sky back when i first heard them, i just fucking examined every inch of that thing before playing it...same with TH...and i search for the same bands everywhere with no luck: Elvenking, Graveland, Holocausto, Judas Iscariot, Aryan Terrorism..and ANY Splits whatsoever. :(
Local stores dont have much in stock usualy, so I go on ordering spree's... I order about 20 albums at a time and then pay them off as they come in... easier on the wallet that way.
Yes, I'm going to lay off buying new ones for awhile. It becomes when you buy so many albums you dont take time on each one.