CD INZANE - anybody know what's going on?

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I often wonder how long these guys can stay in business. ProgPower and other fests for vendors to peddle their wares only come around a couple of times each year, so it cant be easy. Personally, I never had any bad dealings with Zane face to face, and he actually gave me a cd to cover for a Metal Blade screw up once, but I did have an issue with him over an online order many moons ago and that was the last time I ever placed an order with him. Bad customer service will destroy a business (unless you're Wal-Mart). I just hope everything is ok with him in his personal life and this was just "time has come".

Gonna miss his tables at ProgPower though...that truly sucks!
Gonna miss his tables at ProgPower though...that truly sucks!

Yeah, that's the thing that's really going to suck. With both Laser's Edge and Zane now gone, that just leaves Lance's table and Century Media to buy from for me.

I know some people had a problem with him, but I never did. I also looked forward to hitting his clearance CDs and his 2nd day sale.
I had this post right after last festival. We did get opposite feedback from vendors themselves but I still think especially digital streaming services will be the nail of the coffin especially small retailers.
I think crowd level of vendor section is great indicator of high percentage physical album buyers.

I'm guessing Justin and Steve can't single-handedly keep all the vendors in business. :grin:
Maybe Century Media can now move from that cramped corner.....they always have a great selection of cds and shirts!!
With Zane's permission to post:

"We have closed our doors to concentrate on our other businesses but will continue to join everyone and sell LOTS OF METAL for all future Progpower Festivals."
While I spent tons of money there over the years, I had to deal with a fair amount of rudeness when issues arose with an order. Always thought their customer service sucked. I wonder if that did them in???

When you go to Google and enter, "CD Inzane," in the search field and the second search result that comes up is, "CD Inzane Complaints," then I'd think it's fair to say that their customer service was a problem for them. I was amused when they called me, "unprofessional" and "hurtful" when I contacted them via e-mail to check on my order a week old (and mentioned that Amazon would have shipped the same order within 24 hours). Zane then cancelled my order and told me to go ahead and get the discs via Amazon. Talk about a warped sense of reality.
When you go to Google and enter, "CD Inzane," in the search field and the second search result that comes up is, "CD Inzane Complaints," then I'd think it's fair to say that their customer service was a problem for them. I was amused when they called me, "unprofessional" and "hurtful" when I contacted them via e-mail to check on my order a week old (and mentioned that Amazon would have shipped the same order within 24 hours). Zane then cancelled my order and told me to go ahead and get the discs via Amazon. Talk about a warped sense of reality.

A few things here...

Normally when you look something up you see more complaints than praise, because people are more likely to complain loudly than to praise loudly.

It's also not fair to compare small outfits to the wage-slave hordes and robots of Amazon. Laser's Edge is the closest I've seen to Amazon speed, and they're still not it (but they're shockingly close, considering). My boss does this to us with our webstore. No, we're a 2.5 man crew, we will not be Amazon quality.

The last part, though...that is shitty. I had to cancel parts of my last two orders with them because they were crazy late (3 months or more), and I was no longer going to be at the shipping address provided, and he said he couldn't change the address on the order.
I never ordered a thing from his store, and it appears I never will. I have no opinion here except to point out the ridiculous pre-orders. They were taking orders for albums almost six months in advance. And then there's no guarantee they will be released on time, so you've got all this money in a cyber void that may or may not go to him and may or may not get refunded. Even in Bizarro World that business model was doomed. I hate to see a vendor go under as he obviously had a passion for the industry. Didn't Impulse music have a horrible rep? I think I got a couple of items from them and all went well.
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