CD Sale Ends Tuesday/Wed Thank You All


Jul 29, 2010
I will be preparing to go back to Montreal so I wanted to just Thank Everyone who purchased cds from me ( Many of you multiple times ) I have my cds here stored in the States, so I figured while I was here visiting friends I would offer some of my collection to those of you who were looking for some cds to purchase, repurchase, or fill in those gaps in your collection.

If there are any cds on my list, please feel free to send me a pm and I can get the order out to you ( one last cheap plug LOL )

It was great to become a member of the Ultimate Metal board these last few months and getting to talk to a lot of you during out email exchanges about music, your bands, life in general, and I will do my best to remain more active once I get back home.

I hope everyone had a Great and safe Holiday!
