Thank you to Seventh Wonder


Ken Luther
Mar 11, 2005
Valparaiso, IN
I'm 41 years old and have been a music collector since my teen years. I went through hundreds of vinyl albums until everything switched over to CDs, and I have hundreds (more than 1000) of those, too.

By now, buying CDs is a habit. I buy CDs because, well, I buy CDs. I get the new release by Band X because I have the previous six releases. Fortunately, I usually like what I get, since I don't just buy randomly.

Even so, while I do enjoy the music I buy, the excitement of grabbing an awaited new release is often not there like it once was. Being a fan of heavy metal is almost sometimes like an obligation now, rather than an effort of pure joy.

But every once in a while, a CD comes along that reminds me why I *love* this kind of music in the first place, and which reminds me why I go through dozens and dozens of new CDs each year that are enjoyable but not exhilarating. A CD of this kind comes along for me only once or twice a year.

Mercy Falls is one of these rare magical releases. So, gentlemen, thank you for this effort. I hope I get to see you in the US someday.


I can totally relate to what you're writing here, metalprof. There are tons of metal CDs each year - and 2008 has been a really exceptionally great year regarding releases.

I buy many of the new CDs simply because I already own all the previous albums of that specific band. Now, in the past months I've often been slightly disappointed by the new albums because they weren't as great as previous releases of that band - weaker than I had hoped and merely 'more of the same'. I've experienced that with the latest album of Iced Earth, Hollenthon, In Flames and Into Eternity - to only mention a few.

Those are albums I download to check them out and if I don't like them, I delete the files again. (If there are only some single tracks I like, I mostly get them from iTunes or download them legally from the Nuclear Blast site because I think nowadays the artists simply need the appreciation.)
If I really like what I hear, I go buy the CD - a Limited Edition, if possible.

But I hardly ever get the feeling anymore that I actually NEED a specific new CD! I hardly ever go to a CD store and search for a certain release! But when there IS one of those really special releases and I search the stores like mad - then it's always a really rare special feeling. And I love that. And I've experienced that with Seventh Wonder's "Mercy Falls" - after a long time not feeling that feeling.

So thank you, Seventh Wonder, for enriching our lives with your really extraordinary top notch album!!