CD storage..


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
LOLZ, NAD is teh ghey. Nah, just kidding, he sent me cool music, he can't be too gay. Anyway, I was wondering if any of you could help me out with this one. I've a feeling Lee may have some ideas, but any help would be good. I'm after some kind of a CD rack/shelving storage unit, preferably available in the UK. The kind of thing I'm after I'd like to be able to hold 1000-1500 CDs - nothing fancy, just some shelves, anything up to 6 feet high and 10 feet across. Or alternatively some units that hold 600 or so, that I can buy several of and fit neatly together would also be fantastic. Any ideas? I'm really having trouble finding something that fits the bill here at the moment :dopey:
Yeah, I managed to find those ones in my search. Thanks for the link tho. Can't find anywhere that does them in the UK tho. So far the best I've come up with is:


Pricey tho :(
i have this thingy:

it's not as sturdy as it should be for the fucking price i paid, but i do still like it because it's flexible as far as cd size and shape, rearranging, etc.

most things made nowadays blow, i have several bookshelves and the only one that would survive a nuclear attack is this old bookshelf my parents / grandparents / great dead uncle paid probably $5 for in like 1568. next thingy i need i'll probably build myself.
@Russell - while that shelving looks nice, it's fixed. The biggest problem is that you always eventually run out of space, so you really want to aim for something that you can just keep extending/adding on.

I'm already out of CD space. I can either (a) trim the fat, or (b) buy more shelving. Most likely, I will go with (a).
Russell said:
Yeah, I managed to find those ones in my search. Thanks for the link tho. Can't find anywhere that does them in the UK tho. So far the best I've come up with is:


Pricey tho :(

that's a beauty ...

I have some IKEA rack that I am sure you could find in the UK
JayKeeley said:
@Russell - while that shelving looks nice, it's fixed. The biggest problem is that you always eventually run out of space, so you really want to aim for something that you can just keep extending/adding on.

I was thinking of just buying two and using them to store my DVDs as well at first... I figured that way if needs be I can move the DVDs out as the CD collection grows. I have shitloads of CDs I probably should get rid of, but I can't quite bring myself to do it. No idea why :erk:

Thanks for the ideas tho guys, I was planning on going to an Ikea to have a look in one of their bigger stores sometime. Otherwise I guess I'll ask for one or two of the one I linked above for Christmas or something :dopey: