cds made from 320bit mp3


Oct 31, 2005
what do you guys think about making cds from a 320bit mp3 files?

I got some guys that wanted me to remix some stuff for them and they need the files back quick, so I suggested 320 mp3 files. Think this will work okay?

I find it hard to notice much between raw WAV. files and the max 320 mp3 file.

what do yall think>?
I've never been able to notice a difference, and I think the only people who could would be those in acoustically treated rooms with retardedly-low noise floors and/or amazing speakers. In other words, the only people who complain about the difference ;)
Compression is just compression, if you can hear it or not. I would NEVER burn a CD from MP3 source - except for personal listening. If a compression method has to be used, use FLAC. Still large file sizes, but not nearly as large as the uncompressed waves. Also FLAC supports higher bitrates, so have them send you some 24-bit files.
For YOUR purposes, you should use FLAC to be doubly sure you're getting the best quality, but I could never understand those pirating folks who thought downloading FLAC lossless torrents made a world over difference over 320kbps LAME MP3. Retards.
For YOUR purposes, you should use FLAC to be doubly sure you're getting the best quality, but I could never understand those pirating folks who thought downloading FLAC lossless torrents made a world over difference over 320kbps LAME MP3. Retards.

When properly ripped with a cue file it allows you to make a bit perfect copy of the retail cd.

I can hear a difference on headphones between good mp3 and flac, especially with cymbals.
When properly ripped with a cue file it allows you to make a bit perfect copy of the retail cd.

I can hear a difference on headphones between good mp3 and flac, especially with cymbals.

Agreed, but I'm also the fucker who gets headaches from some fluorescent lights and a lot of commercial theft prevention systems so take that with a grain of salt.

The high end is what keeps me downloading FLAC. World of difference. JBroll, I know exactly what you mean. I was at a local mall/theater complex and got a really bad headache right by this water fountain in front of the theater. I didn't know why I had it so we went into a the coffee shop just a few feet away and I felt fine. After my wife got her drink we went back by the fountain and there it was again. I thought I was loosing my mind.

Turned out they had a small speakers at the base that pushed out some strange high frequency that typically only teens hear and it's used to keep them away. Cleaver, but for those with good ears a pain in the ass.
The high end is what keeps me downloading FLAC. World of difference. JBroll, I know exactly what you mean. I was at a local mall/theater complex and got a really bad headache right by this water fountain in front of the theater. I didn't know why I had it so we went into a the coffee shop just a few feet away and I felt fine. After my wife got her drink we went back by the fountain and there it was again. I thought I was loosing my mind.

Turned out they had a small speakers at the base that pushed out some strange high frequency that typically only teens hear and it's used to keep them away. Cleaver, but for those with good ears a pain in the ass.

I can hear up to about 18.5kHz, that noise from those devices is only 15kHz so I hear it loud an clear. :zombie: Some can't hear it at all.
15kHz? Wow, I'd have thought that audible by just about everybody under the age of 40 or so. My hearing goes up to about 19kHz in my own tests, but they haven't exactly been the most scientific. Do any of you guys get really irked by the high-pitched tones emitted by old analogue television sets? I recall my parents could never hear them, but I could always tell when the TV was on, even if it was switched to blank A/V mode.

Anyhow, I would use FLAC too. The thing with MP3 compression is that you could be pushing the waveform above the 0dbFS point, resulting in unnecessary clipping. For some reason my brain never holds onto digital theory, but additional signal processes to compress an audio file tend to result in more distortion, as well as the removal of detail, using psycho-acoustical methods to fool us into thinking nothing's been changed.

EDIT: I just read the article and it claims the noise from the device is 17 to 18kHz. Still sucks, but I guess you tend to lose those frequencies when you leave your mid-20s.
15kHz? Wow, I'd have thought that audible by just about everybody under the age of 40 or so. My hearing goes up to about 19kHz in my own tests, but they haven't exactly been the most scientific. Do any of you guys get really irked by the high-pitched tones emitted by old analogue television sets? I recall my parents could never hear them, but I could always tell when the TV was on, even if it was switched to blank A/V mode.

Anyhow, I would use FLAC too. The thing with MP3 compression is that you could be pushing the waveform above the 0dbFS point, resulting in unnecessary clipping. For some reason my brain never holds onto digital theory, but additional signal processes to compress an audio file tend to result in more distortion, as well as the removal of detail, using psycho-acoustical methods to fool us into thinking nothing's been changed.

EDIT: I just read the article and it claims the noise from the device is 17 to 18kHz. Still sucks, but I guess you tend to lose those frequencies when you leave your mid-20s.

Yeah, I can't watch CRT televisions or use CRT monitors because of the whining.

+1 to FLAC, though if you really have to use 320kbps MP3, most people won't hear a difference.

Agreed, but I'm also the fucker who gets headaches from some fluorescent lights and a lot of commercial theft prevention systems so take that with a grain of salt.


The high end is what keeps me downloading FLAC. World of difference. JBroll, I know exactly what you mean. I was at a local mall/theater complex and got a really bad headache right by this water fountain in front of the theater. I didn't know why I had it so we went into a the coffee shop just a few feet away and I felt fine. After my wife got her drink we went back by the fountain and there it was again. I thought I was loosing my mind.

Turned out they had a small speakers at the base that pushed out some strange high frequency that typically only teens hear and it's used to keep them away. Cleaver, but for those with good ears a pain in the ass.

I'm one of those people, too. I can hear fluorescent lights, CRT screens, and a lot of other electronic devices. I've heard of that practice of playing a tone around 20kHz to keep kids away, but I think that's silly since a lot of adults can hear that, and a lot of kids in the target range probably can't. I don't know quite how high I can hear, but it's no trouble for me to hear a 20kHz tone, and I didn't exactly take good care of my ears growing up.
I don't know quite how high I can hear, but it's no trouble for me to hear a 20kHz tone, and I didn't exactly take good care of my ears growing up.

I think you might want to check that.. I doubt any of us can hear 20kHz any more..

After the amount of shows Ive done in the last couple of years I cant hear hi hats any more.
I think you might want to check that.. I doubt any of us can hear 20kHz any more..

After the amount of shows Ive done in the last couple of years I cant hear hi hats any more.

There was a thread about this kind of stuff on another forum I frequent a while back, and there was a 20kHz (I think... if it wasn't 20kHz, it was close in one direction or another) sound clip that a lot of people were able to hear.

That's why I wear earplugs at shows and practices. :cool:

Edit: It was 18kHz.
Turned out they had a small speakers at the base that pushed out some strange high frequency that typically only teens hear and it's used to keep them away. Cleaver, but for those with good ears a pain in the ass.

Hahahaha, holy shit, I can't believe something like that exists, that's ridiculous! :lol: Them durn kids (and dogs too, a lot of stupid uptight stuffy squares don't like when dogs drink out of park water fountains, even though their mouthes are incredibly clean, so I guess they wouldn't wanna be around such a high-pitched whine either, what with their hypersensitive hearing and all)
When I'm doing a mix actually I usually bring my dog into the control room to get a second opinion about my EQ on my overheads. I rewired a DDR floor mat to work as a DAW controller and my dog will usually make some small adjustments to the 18-20khz range in ReaEQ.