celestion 75's


Aug 24, 2009
Hicktown New York.
In a few months I'll be making the transition from amp sims to a 5150 (thank you tax returns) Unfortunately I already have a marshall 1960 cab from my old band before i knew anything about recording. Is it going to be extremely difficult for me to get a good tone from this cab ( I know v30's are the standard) and can anyone post any links to some kill3r t0n3z that have been gotten out of 75's.

Sorry I'm a bit of a guitar n000b, I play the drums lolz.
I like 75's when mixed with v30's. Best speaker combination ever IMO. Not only does it sound great in the room, but it gives you 2 options when it comes to mic'ing as well.

Sometimes I'll throw an MD421 on a 75 and blend it in with a 57/V30. Sounds pretty sweet.

So, IMO, sell 2 of the T75's and grab 2 V30's and call it a day.

Edit- I reamped some files that were posted a while back, using the SM57/V30 and MD421/T75 method as mentioned above. http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/...-groovecore-mix-you-vocals-2.html#post9728437
I like 75's when mixed with v30's. Best speaker combination ever IMO. Not only does it sound great in the room, but it gives you 2 options when it comes to mic'ing as well.

Sometimes I'll throw an MD421 on a 75 and blend it in with a 57/V30. Sounds pretty sweet.

So, IMO, sell 2 of the T75's and grab 2 V30's and call it a day.

...YOU CAN DO THAT :yow:

how would I go about doing that just buy v30's and put them in do you need to be good at wiring and what-not? (again sorry complete n00b)

Edit as well: That tone is fucking amazing! this is exactly why I need to get away from sims. Is that from one cab with 30's and 75's ?
...YOU CAN DO THAT :yow:

how would I go about doing that just buy v30's and put them in do you need to be good at wiring and what-not? (again sorry complete n00b)

Yep just find out what's in the cab first(the 'ohms' of the speakers). Then you simply buy 2 V30's and toss em in. The wiring can be done by a 2 year old, so I'm sure you'll be ok there :kickass:
V30's are the standard???

If you want to sound like every other band on this forum, then... er.. yeah... I guess they are!!

But you can get some good tones out of the 75's, no matter what anyone else says.
I have a Randall XL and Marshall 1960, each with 2 G12-75s and 2 Vintage 30s. The 30s have a more in-your-face midrange to them, where the g12s are scooped out a bit. I really like the tone of having both in the same cab, plus it gives extra options to the sound guy or recording engineer. However, I don't think the 1960 cab with all g12s is a bad sounding cab at all. You should be able to get a great tone plugging your 5150 into it. If not, try swapping two out like others have suggested.
drew_drummer said:
V30's are the standard???

If you want to sound like every other band on this forum, then... er.. yeah... I guess they are!!

But you can get some good tones out of the 75's, no matter what anyone else says.

Just from what I've read on here it seems like that's what everyone is using but after reading all the replies I'm definitely pretty psyched to try micing up my Marshall and throwing 2 v30s in as well ! Cheers for the advice guys if anyone has any links of more 75 tones I'll take em ;)
I know lot of album recorded with 5150+1960 and the guitar tone was amazing. Let me say 75s fit better some kind of genres like hardcore, some kind of thrash and some others
Personally I prefer 75s over V30s!
I think both speakers can claim to be "standards" on stages as in studios.
It all comes down to personal taste; to cut it short: in my book, 75s have a more cutting 80's kind of sound (more treble), while the V30 sound more "modern" and "fat" (more bass).
As said before you can definately get great sounds with both speaker types.