Cellador being compared to Dragonforce

May 16, 2006
I always see the band constantly being set side by side with Dragonforce and constantly being interviewed about their opinions about Dragonforce. As you can guess by my user title I am a big Dragonforce fan but I also really like Cellador. I enjoy both bands for their own music.

I just think that people need to see Cellador as Cellador and not a band following the footsteps of Dragonforce because it is clearly not true, because ( based off of the wiki article) their demo was made months before Dragonforces Inhuman Rampage came out (which was Dragonforces hit album that made them this popular). Considering the amount of power metal bands out there, there is little reason to keep mentioning Dragonforce when the subject is about Cellador. What do you think about it?
Cellador was around before Sonic Firestorm. Listen to some early Power Quest if you want to compare Cellador with somebody. Early Helloween + Power Quest + blast beats = Cellador. (There are obviously more influences than that, but that is what I gather). People who compare Cellador to Dragonforce are lazy. They can’t listen any deeper than bpm.
Its a lazy comparison generally made by people who have no idea of the genre beyond the current 'golden boys'.

There are some DF elements to certain Cellador songs, and they have simalar production, but they sound a lot more like a more muscular version of Power Quest, and of course vocally Mike is a bit of a ringer for Michael Kiske and Geoff Tate.

Its sadly inevitable now that any young power metal bands will be accused of ripping off DragonForce, or 'following in their footsteps.'
true celladorks get pissed off with these comparrisons being made but its the way its always going to be. boooo! dont get me wrong i love both bands, and can see them both as copmpletely different things, but not everyon'es as open minded as me/us. But it seems to be however that dragonforce have dug themselves into a big hole whereby its going to be hard for them to progress thier music along the lines its always been heading, without adding more and more artificial synth effects. This strengthens my preference to prefering the rawness of cellador who can really develop their music.
cellador and dragonforce are a lot different. And dragonforces vocalist sucks and celladors is good. also the only good dragonforce album was valley of the damned.
cellador and dragonforce are a lot different. And dragonforces vocalist sucks and celladors is good. also the only good dragonforce album was valley of the damned.

The best Dragonforce album is Valley of the Damned, then Sonic Firestorm, then... None of them are bad IMO.
Inhuman Rampage was just a step too far for me. I love Valley of the Damned (probably because it was the first one I heard) and I like Sonic Firestorm despite it just being the first album played slightly differently. Inhuman Rampage just sounds tired and recycled with a ton of annoying effects dumped over it.
I think part of the reason that Cellador gets compared to Dragonforce is speed. Which speed alone does not a DF clone make. People don't seem to understand this.

I also think a few people associate the two bands because I know some of us here first heard Cellador through the DF forums. Chris used to post on the DF forums promoting his band (way before they ever had a full lineup!)

Which reminds me, does anyone remember when they had (for a very short time) a vocallist that sounded a bit like Andi Deris? He never got recorded because he left (or they kicked him out, I forget which) long before they even recorded their demo.
The members of cellador used to post on the Dargonforce forum alot before Cellador got big... long before inhuman Rampage was out, which makes the point about them not being influenced because DF hadn't become popular by then nill and void.

Cellador used to post their home recordings all over the DF forum in a way that was like "We really respect dragonforce, you guys love dragonforce, You'll love us." etc... Basically, it's the typical thing, they were heavily influenced by DF. Now they're actually big, which back in the day didn't seem like it was going to happen, as they were just nerdy Powermetal fans like the rest of us, they expect to be shown more respect than they were used to when they were starting and they were just another powermetal band playing very very fast songs. To be honest, if they'd have stayed more underground there wouldn't have been much of a problem but they seemed to get a big push into the lime light and they ended up looking like A7X riding the Dragonforce band wagon... a winning formula... Sorry to say (I do accept cellador are far superior to A7X by the way).
Which reminds me, does anyone remember when they had (for a very short time) a vocallist that sounded a bit like Andi Deris? He never got recorded because he left (or they kicked him out, I forget which) long before they even recorded their demo.

My brother.
The members of cellador used to post on the Dargonforce forum alot before Cellador got big... long before inhuman Rampage was out, which makes the point about them not being influenced because DF hadn't become popular by then nill and void.

Cellador used to post their home recordings all over the DF forum in a way that was like "We really respect dragonforce, you guys love dragonforce, You'll love us." etc... Basically, it's the typical thing, they were heavily influenced by DF.

I might be misunderstanding you, but just b/c they posted in the Dragonforce forum doesn’t mean they were "heavily" influenced by Dragonforce. Chris posted in every power metal forum you can think of to get Cellador's name out there.
I'm not saying that's why they sound like Dragonforce, I'm just saying even back then when Dragonforce were supporting wasp and nobody knew who the fuck they were, people were comparing cellador to DF, and that was early days. I once stuck up for them on the Dragonforce forum when alot of people were saying it just lends too much musically from dragonforce, and I'd agree that really the main element they share is the high speeds, but in truth not many other bands are playing "extreme powermetal", and it's such a narrow sub-genre that any band that does enter into it are obviously going to sound like Dragonforce.
I'm not saying that's why they sound like Dragonforce, I'm just saying even back then when Dragonforce were supporting wasp and nobody knew who the fuck they were, people were comparing cellador to DF, and that was early days. I once stuck up for them on the Dragonforce forum when alot of people were saying it just lends too much musically from dragonforce, and I'd agree that really the main element they share is the high speeds, but in truth not many other bands are playing "extreme powermetal", and it's such a narrow sub-genre that any band that does enter into it are obviously going to sound like Dragonforce.

It's such a narrow sub-genre I don't even consider it a genre. It's Melodic Speed Metal or Power Metal or just Speed Metal, IMO.
i agree with the fact that because not many power metal bands play that fast, it's very easy to compare them, it became a tendency for power metal to play at the same tempo, 150bpm for example, almost to the point to be catalogued as generic power metal, a riff followed by the same riff with a double bass beat, and so on.

If a band came out playing that fast it is going to be compared to both dragonforce and cellador because of that, because there aren't too many bands playing that fast, in fact, i like both bands because of the speed, the same with powerquest and x japan, i like em because of the speed without taking aside the melody, videogame melody wooo:D. Another thing, i really don't think that being compared to any of those bands would be that bad, for example, my band, we play somewhat like cellador and dragonforce, because of the melody and the speed, and i really wouldn't be offended if i ever get compared to them, if people likes it, so what?