Celtic Frost in NYC

I have every intention of going. I really like the new album and I love the old ones. Been waiting 19 years for them to come back.

That's cool that Reed St. Mark was there! Oh man I can think of an ex-bassist of ours that would've loved to be there getting Reed, Tom and Martin's autographs on his cds!!! Speaking of which, I see they have autographed posters....generally I don't care much about autographs but I might have to get that.
The poster was included in the digipak version of the cd. I was a bit shy about what to do, as I'm not a big concert goer, so they made the choice for me and wanted to sign it.

I can't stress enough how they are a great bunch of guys and have a genuine love for the music and the fans.

There is big stuff in Frost's future. Stay tuned.

PS- for the first time, official Celtic Frost/HR Giger merchandise is available. All previous works were unauthorized by the band and HR Giger. CF's unwavering integrity led to a renewal of the relationship and is outlined below:
Men of Honor- HR Giger homepage
That's cool. Glad to hear you had a good time.
If this was pre-Cold Lake era, I might have cared.
I know image shouldn't matter that much, but that album killed any ounce of credibility they ever had. This album and tour is nothing but a cash grab.
Oh god, Jasonic usually I can agree with alot of your viewpoints but I can't agree with this one at all!

I do really like the new album as I've said. But aside from that even, I don't really see this new album as being much of a "cash grab" for them. I'm sure they're making some profit from this but knowing what I know about the biz and how it works (even for bands like CF) I doubt very much that there's a whole lot of profit for them with all of this. And holding a grudge against a band for a poor business move that they (well, Tom basically, Martin and Reed were out by then) made 18 years ago seems a bit much.

CF have been offered so many times over the years to reform and play the hits, and I'm sure many $$$ offers were throw their way to do it, and they never would. Even listening to this style of music they're doing on this new cd.....talk about NOT going the safe and popular route! If they'd have done something more akin to the Morbid Tales sound, or done something more along the lines of the bands they've influenced (like a Dimmu Borgir sound or something like that) they'd have been able to really gain more attention and easy credibility with the fans/media. Instead they made a very weird, experimental, doomy album. Basically, they threw everyone a curve ball. And that to me, is TRUE CF, because that's what they always did.

I'm sure money plays into this to a degree, because this is a business, alot of people forget that, or turn their nose up at that facet of it. But I can think of so many ways that CF could've really cashed in over the years, and didn't, and still aren't.

People also forget that when "Cold Lake" happened, Tom was still a fairly young guy and had alot of lessons yet to learn. He got very influenced by what was going on in the music scene and listened to his dick instead of his heart, lol. People make mistakes and it's unfortunate for him that his was a doozy, and wound up really hurting the legacy of that band. I think people are much too hard on them for it. I actually thought the follow up disc "Vanity/Nemesis" was a really solid effort, though not anywhere near the league of a "...Pandemonium".

And, let's not forget, it's easy to rewrite history now that times have changed and people have changed their views, but "...Pandemonium" was slammed BIG TIME by an awful lot of fans/critics when it came out. I was there, I remember only too well haha In alot of people's eyes, CF died after "To Mega Therion", though I heartily disagree of course.

Anyhow, you're entitled to your opinion as I am mine, of course. I'm going to be gladly enjoying CF next weekend in your stead :D
Hey guys,
I knew my opinions on Frost would not be well received here, and that's cool.

I have read a little bit of Tom's book, and I know a lot of the stuff that happened with Cold Lake was influenced by Tom's wife / girlfriend at the time.
Bands go through a lot of changes over the course of their career.

Sometimes it is simply to try something new, and others it is to try to appeal to a different audience. (Anyone recall the CALM BEFORE THE STORM album by VENOM, or QUORTHON's solo albums?)

It just seems to me that in the time where underground cult black metal is getting more mainstream publicity (Due to countless metal documentaries, Lord of Chaos books, Darkthrone and Emperor shirts at Hot Topic, etc), that it is ironic that Celtic Frost are now going old school.

More power to them. I mean there will always be a market for older bands as their is a new generation of fans who were not around to catch them in the old days.

I guess I would be a hypocrite if I said I NEVER fell for a reunion that might have lacked some integrity (KISS putting back on the make-up for instance, where I was not old enough to catch them live the first time).

Enjoy the CF gig. I am sure it will be cool. Make sure you are up in the balcony though because you won't see Tom if you are on the floor :lol: (Short guy joke.... I don't think that guy is even 5 feet tall!)
If you really read the book, you'd know that Cold Lake was supposed to be a Warrior solo album. You'd also know that Oliver Amberg took over a lot of the writing duties, which were implicated as plagiarized. You would also recognize that the lineup was simply Tom Warrior+ crew and then management really pushed for it to be labelled Celtic Frost. Stephen Priestly returned by coincidence when they brought Curt into the fold. It was a Warrior solo project and was not in line with their original plan they set forth to Noise in order to get their deal.

Next point of order, this is in no way a cash-grab. This was an album that is so personal they needed to make it. Martin didn't need to do this, as he has a successful club and DVD store(s). Tom didn't need to do this, as he was out of the Celtic Frost fold. For a couple years, Tom told us personally Celtic Frost was dead. Then stuff started happening slowly. They wrote and recorded this album before they got a record deal. The record deal came through only a few months before the release of the album.


-This album is under the "Prowling Death Records" banner, a label meaning they self-financed the production, including several albums worth of scrapped music. They essentially self-financed this album into a personal and financial oblivion. They did not need to do this.

-A relationship was sacrificed with Erol, perhaps ending Apollyon Sun. That remains to be seen if AS will record again (they are all still friends). Another band equals more money by your logic. Tom sacrificed having two bands to continue with Celtic Frost.

-In today's market, they will never recover the money they put into making the album and especially the packaging. Look at the digipak and you'll see why.

-This is not a rehash, as much as it is them moving forward into an entirely new direction. Many huge deals were offered, they did not take the highest value ones in order to retain control of their affairs and not do something "safe" and conforming to any established formula.

-Sometime a few months ago, Celtic Frost received their first meager royalty check. Meaning, they got paid for the first time in their history outside of the lawsuits that they forfeited their winnings for legal fees.

-They were offered over and over to merchandise To Mega Therion, which they rejected each and every time. For the first time, Giger has granted rights to the manufacture of OFFICIAL To Mega Therion anniversary merchandise. This was his idea, not the band's. This was his thank you for the years they spent not making any money from the bootlegged TMT merch that was out there.
From Sea of Tranquility:

SoT: Did Peter influence you at all on your vocal style on the album?

Tom: Quite frankly, and it might astonish you, Peter wanted me to sing less radical on the album! He said that in the old days I didn’t sing so heavy, and that it might turn off a lot if fans, that it might not sound enough like classic Celtic Frost. He urged me to sing some of the tracks like I used to sing in the Morbid Tales days. So I did that, and we all looked at each other and we said that it sounded fake, like I was trying to rehash something instead of being honest with how I am now. We canned all the re-recordings and kept the original vocals that were much more aggressive. The two songs that have very high pitched screaming vocals were actually sung by Martin Ain, who has a very different vocal style from mine, more in the black metal style.

Reed: Your convictions are admirable and I’m so elated for you, Martin, and everyone involved. I wish you the best and I’m sure it’s going to just rock it!

Tom: We have to meet; it’s been too long. You know, this album has been so draining, Martin and I have worked day and night, and also worked all kinds of jobs to finance this album, which of course we did voluntarily, but we needed to do this project.

SoT: I’ve actually finished reading your book Tom…

Tom: Then it’s probably pretty boring hearing Reed and I droning on about all this right? (laughs)

Reed: I’d rather read the book than be me! (laughs)

SoT: In all honesty, I could almost feel your pain after reading all the crap you guys went through.

Tom: Well, we are talking about events that happened nearly 20 years ago, the impact is so severe and it’s something that has so severely altered our lives, it’s still so emotional to talk about it even though it was like so long ago.
You know..I really like CF's music honestly I do,but I saw them performing live back in June,and it wasn't what I expected to be honest..it was very dull to watch,the music was great..but there was no interaction (not sure if this is the right word,sorry my english sucks) with the public what so ever..same thing for Wacken,they played exactely the same setlist as in June and again it was a very boring performance...
Eh yknow, it's all down to personal taste and vibe, etc. I mean for example, alot of people will swear that Opeth are so boring live, and yet someone else will say the performance moved them. I saw some video clips of CF performing at Wacken, etc., and I can see how some people would find it simple or boring. For someone like myself who has been a fan of theirs for 20 years, I'm going to be pretty mesmerized (inside joke there) seeing them play. They're not a hair flailing, cover the stage in movement kind of band and I'm fine with that.
sknight said:
Well, it's a little tough to have some crowd interaction at the festivals with tens of thousands of people.
Oh,I definitely agree on this one..

What I meant was,the first of June CF apperently choose my city for their first warm up gig for their following upcoming shows and festivals,now one should think to expect a great show,right? And again there was absolutly nothing wrong with the music,it was awsome!...but they just stood there like puppets,maybe Tom was already not feeling good,seeing their next show in Germany or I dunno where.. he ended up in the hospital..I'm sorry but I was a little dissapointed I guess...it was like they didn't really enjoyed it themselves...
Here's a link with pics from that show...hope you like'm :)

edit: forgot the link :p
NvmbrsDoom5 said:
Jason, was that the infamous show when the crowd turned their backs to the stage while Running Wild played? LOL

I have the flyer somewhere, but was too young at the time to go to shows like that in the city. If I recall it was at Metro.
I could see that happening to Running Wild, as they were definitely different, esp in those days.

Then a few years later, CF opened for Anthrax at the Aragon. I couldn't make it for some reason, but a few people I know went. They said that CF had very strong green lights shining throughout their entire set, and Tom G had women's high heeled pumps all over his mic stand!!! (This was during the Into the Pandamonium era).