Celtic Frost in NYC

I saw theThursday night one. It was simply amazing. Sahg was really good but the place was empty when they played. More people came during 1349, who were unbelievable. But CF easily stole the show. My neck was sore after it. My arms were up the entire show too.

Did anyone else see that Mini Me guy? He was crazy.
Metal head87 said:
I saw theThursday night one. It was simply amazing. Sahg was really good but the place was empty when they played. More people came during 1349, who were unbelievable. But CF easily stole the show. My neck was sore after it. My arms were up the entire show too.

Did anyone else see that Mini Me guy? He was crazy.
I have a pic of him somewhere, I'll post back on it. He kept trying to get backstage by flashing a badge, so I don't know if he was really a cop or not. After seeing him in the crowd, I'm glad they didn't care about his badge. The funny thing was he was talking to one of the busboys that didn't speak English and he was just saying, "No no no" because he doesn't speak English, not because he didn't want the guy back there.
Novembers Paul said:
That happens a lot with you. :lol:

Dude, I have missed two ND shows in the past year and a half and you keep ridin me hard for it!!!
You have a kid too, and I am sure don't go to as many shows as you did when you were younger....

I don't recall why I missed that CF show back in the day though. Twas a long time ago.... Maybe I was studying for my Bar Mitzvah or something...
sknight said:
I have a pic of him somewhere, I'll post back on it. He kept trying to get backstage by flashing a badge, so I don't know if he was really a cop or not. After seeing him in the crowd, I'm glad they didn't care about his badge. The funny thing was he was talking to one of the busboys that didn't speak English and he was just saying, "No no no" because he doesn't speak English, not because he didn't want the guy back there.
I saw your photos and I think I remember you. I was with Steve Saks after the show ended. I was the guy in the black shirt and denim jacket.
Listen to samples first. I don't think anyone would call it good. People, like me, on one side say it is nothing short of jaw dropping and people on the other side call it terrible. There's no room in between.
It's very doomy, ambient and very much like drone. There are even some similarities to the third wave of black metal. It sounds nothing like old CF, which proves that it was not just a cash grab. They take the songs as far as they possibly could while keeping it interesting. Tom obviously knew where the line was of very dark and doomy between dragged out and boring, and he never crossed that line even once. I would say it's almost as good as Light Of Day, Day Of Darkness (not that it is one long song or anything, but it is a long album that still leaves you wanting more).
Definitely was worth the wait!
I agree with what was said above, though I do think it still sounds like CF and has some connection to their old sound, just in a new different way...if that makes any sense, lol.

In some ways, some of the material feels more HellHammer-ish. It seems like almost every review I read of the cd, from critics or fans, has a very different take on it. To me, that's the mark of a unique standout album, when many different people are able to have such different views on it and hear such different things from one another. It's not a monumental groundbreaking album, in my opinion, but definitely one of the best albums I've picked up recently. If you have an open mind, give it a listen. If you're going to be hung up on it not sounding like "To Mega Therion" or because it's not all fast/thrashy, then you're probably not going to like it.
Novembers Paul said:
It's a bitch to get older man. We're all headed there. hahaha

No kidding....
I have recession starting smack in the front, center of my forehead.
What can ya do? Go 90's style and do a George Clooney? I think not!