Celtic Frost

Enjoy Celtic Frost - Monotheist?

  • Yeah! UNGH!

    Votes: 16 44.4%
  • Unsure, I haven't quite got into it yet.

    Votes: 11 30.6%
  • I hate this shit! Give me my classic CF back!

    Votes: 8 22.2%
  • I hate it so much that Cold Lake sounds better.

    Votes: 1 2.8%

  • Total voters
livingwithwolves said:
I remember them from the 80s and i saw their new video the other night, looks and sounds like a completely different band. I wasn't a fan back then and aint now. And by the way when did they "become" anti-christian? Or is that just a gimmick they are using now?

I presume you were only familiar with Cold Lake?
zekeyou said:
Well, that'd clearly be a mistake, as Frost haven't toured the US in what, 20 years?

I've seen Arsis twice in Georgia in the last 4 months and they'll be in Columbia, SC on Halloween....

Yeah, you're actually right, but I know nothing of Celtic Frost other than that they're metal and influential. If my friends that I normally go to shows with were going and fans I might've taken the time to research, buy an album, and spend the twenty-five/thirty dollars to go, but as it is... I already like Arsis, the tickets are five bucks for me, and the venue is across the street from my dorm. No brainer.

In fact, Arsis is even coming back in November to the Masquerade, and I'm still seeing them here. Gotta support metal on campus!
So how was Arsis yesterday? The new disc arrived in the mail before I headed to Atlanta for the Celtic Frost show-- it's good, but my mind was elsewhere.

Goatwhore was pretty tight and came across very well live-- I love their 3 albums but seeing them live kind of bumped them up to the next level for me.

CELTIC FROST-- pretty incredible show-- starting off with a super slow, down-tuned version of Procreation (of the Wicked) and ending with the long-ass Synagoga Satana from Monotheist, with a couple new ones and LOTS of classics (Circle of the Tyrants, Return to the Eve, Mesmerized, The Usurper, Jewel Throne, Visions of Mortality, Necromantical Screams, Into the Crypt of Rays, Dethroned Emperor, Jewel Throne, a couple others) made an excellent 1 1/2 hour set-- I couldn't believe how crushing they sounded...

The sound was pretty damn good and 3/4 of the band was out for a meet and great afterwards as well. I saw Nile's Karl Sanders was in the crowd honoring the masters too.

:headbang: :headbang: :worship: :worship:
Arsis was AMAZING. There were only about 75 people there so it was a nice small crowd. They only played about 7 songs though so they didn't have too long of a set.

All Shall Perish headlined the night and were actually surprisingly fun to watch, although they brought out the hardcore dancing crowd. It was funny, during the first song, right at the breakdown, EVERY SINGLE PERSON in the hardcore dancing pit did the exact same move at the same time. My friend said it was like the electric slide for metal.
dcowboys311 said:
Arsis was AMAZING. There were only about 75 people there so it was a nice small crowd.

Wow, really? Is that a normal-size turnout? They played in front of 300 people at a small place when I saw them. I could barely move the crowd was so thick.
dcowboys311 said:
All Shall Perish headlined the night and were actually surprisingly fun to watch, although they brought out the hardcore dancing crowd. It was funny, during the first song, right at the breakdown, EVERY SINGLE PERSON in the hardcore dancing pit did the exact same move at the same time. My friend said it was like the electric slide for metal.

hahahahahaha, y'all's description of that was hysterical!

I'm just glad they didn't say anything obscene on the air back at the studio, after their show. Thanks for bringing them (and half the audience, it seemed) back to WREKage. :lol:
WOW, they put on a great show....the light show set the mood. GHOATWHORE was great also... and locals DESIPLES OF BERKEWITZ ripped through a great set.:kickass: