Cephalic Carnage - Anomalies leaked

Because "Lucid Interval" was hyperspeedy blast'n'burp joke-metal with no horizontal structure whatsoever + a few unrelated slower chugging riffs and quirky little elements to make people go 'omg we can mosh to this AND it's original'.
GOD, just so you know, this album is a lot catchier, with riffs that arent so off the wall as lucid. Theres only 12 songs, so none of those crazy short songs. Theres a lot of variety too. Theres still a lot of joke parts as they like to mock a lot of different things. Overall I don't think the band is meant to be taken so seriously all the time.. I think they get off on being crazy and then like some tongue in cheek riffs to rock out too sometimes :) You should definitely check this one out though
Scourge of Malice said:
GOD, just so you know, this album is a lot catchier, with riffs that arent so off the wall as lucid. Theres only 12 songs, so none of those crazy short songs. Theres a lot of variety too. Theres still a lot of joke parts as they like to mock a lot of different things. Overall I don't think the band is meant to be taken so seriously all the time.. I think they get off on being crazy and then like some tongue in cheek riffs to rock out too sometimes :) You should definitely check this one out though

awe, the off the wall riffs is what i loved about lucid interval. ill still pick it up though
Ok, so i just gave it a listen through. definitely their best album, imo, their other ones were a bit hit and miss with me. Am i right in thinking that pretty much every song is a piss take of a band/genre? "The Will Or The Way" sounds like napalm death to me, the vocals at least.
Theres still some crazy fast riffs but definitely not as nuts as stuff theyve done in the past.... its still pretty technical stuff but it seems more like tech death than grind now.. and theres a lot more slow riffs

I think every song has atleast a part or two thats mocking/emulating another band/genre
I might check this out when it comes out. I only have dialup right now so it's difficult to download anything off of the internet. Someone mentioned in a previous thread here that there's a song off of it at the Relapse site. I might get around to checking that out later.
Guardian of Darkness said:
Because "Lucid Interval" was hyperspeedy blast'n'burp joke-metal with no horizontal structure whatsoever + a few unrelated slower chugging riffs and quirky little elements to make people go 'omg we can mosh to this AND it's original'.


Yeah, I dont think they're that good death metal to take seriously. I just like them as novelty.
Well that's proof enough that they suck - MURAI likes them. The day MURAI likes a good band I'll march all the way over to chinky-cannuck land and personally give him a certificate.
Scourge of Malice said:
ya, that ones a metal core mockery so you might want to know that before checking it out :)... i love it though

Honestly, I think they should do an entire album of metalcore parody's, because that one there, ruuuuuules.