Cephalic Carnage - Halls of Amenti


Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
What a song. Who besides Doomstripper has heard this masterful doom song? Easily the best thing Willowtip ever released. I can't wait for the second part in the series.

For those of you that haven't heard it, go to Willowtip now and buy it. It's only $8.

And no you girlie men, don't worry, it's not grind.
Yup. I was a little weary when I heard Cephalic was gonna try doom, but they sure as hell pulled it off. It's probably my favorite individual song by them.
It is easily the best thing they've ever done. ANy fan of doom would love this song. But I can still sense some girlie men not buying this because it's from CC who is a GIRND BAND NOES!!!!!
yeah, I heard about them making fun of nu-metal or metalcore or whatever. Pure lame-ass. THey need to give up the burp grind and write some more epic doom.
It's worth the measly $8 or $9 from Willowtip. The CD itself looks cool, too.

Tipton said the new one is coming out soon, but that was like 6 months ago. I also wonder if Willowtip is releasing the new Watchmaker.