Cerebral torment <--- help me achieve my dreams!!!

King Chaos

Pomeo Osoponeor
Mar 19, 2004
I Just finally got my stuff on the net and its getting a good reception. If any of you guys get a free moment do you think you could go check me out? Theres three songs, too are short deathmetal ones and one is an epic folk metally thing. Its all good :cool:. Click here if you wanna support a random child trying to get his under produced metal heard.... Cerebral Torment

Thank you so much for your time... its all helping me achieve my dreams.

If you could take time, give me some feedback, or a review that I could post on my website... thanks loads again.
Well, it's music... I think.... I dunno, stop jamming and write something worthwile, you've got a couple decent riffs... remember, just because it's a one-man-band experimental-whatever project, doesn't mean it can't be structed and coherent and musical and not festering ass-product.

Constructive criticism, ya know?
Yeah, I understand... But thats part of the art. The Deathmetal parts are supposed to sound like ass-festering product (I love that, cheerz man). Is it ok if I use your comments on my reviews section? Did you hear turillis quest? You didnt comment on it (thats a bit more serious). But yeah, I do take it as constructive criticism... and I thank you for it.