Dee Snarl said:And the alternative, I suppose, is a right wing fascist state?
No thanks.
Churchill said it best: "Democracyis the worst form of government, except for all the others."
But then I suppose Churchill was a Jew or something....
Devy_Metal said:easy: my girlfriend is italian, so i can get a visa if we get engaged, which we probably will.
One word...........India.infoterror said:Our political system is based on liberal democracy, multiculturalism, and personal materialism (individualism).
Now, looking over the past 5000 or so years of history, please name:
(1) A democracy that did not go into decline following its adoption of democracy, and end up a third-world dictatorship.
(2) A multiculture that did not result in a hybrid ethnicity with less aptitute for cultural and intellectual pursuits than its ingredient ethnicities.
(3) A culture based on individualism that did not rapidly lose sight of reality and collapse.
I'd love to hear your answers (but I know you cannot answer this one).
Rome fell, and the USA is falling, because we have nothing we agree on and are dedicated to selfishness and illusion.
You either figure this out and counteract it, or lie back passively and try to enjoy the collapse.
Neith said:Many of the countries with higher tax in european such as those listed and also Sweden, Switzerland, Norway and Luxembourg have much higher wages to correspond with the high taxes and the generally higher expenses of everyday living. They generally have less crime, and a higher standard of living all round. I have never even heard of someone from Sweden who doesn't enjoy living there (I'm sure there are loads though) which I think says a hell of a lot. Lucky people!![]()
Dee Snarl said:Norsemaiden - Of course, I was just kidding about Churchill's "Jewiness." Concerning his race or religion, I don't care.
Concerning his fascist/racist tendencies, I guess that's one thing we can agree on, then: the loathsome nature of fascism and racism. Yes?
My real point of course, is that ultra right-wingers are the scum of the Earth.
Deadnight Warrior87 said:One word...........India.
The worlds largest democracy that promotes individualism and is thrivinig now more than ever.
That may be cynical to say, but they make a good role model for America.
Danallica said:Yeh, plus i think those countries have a shorter working week than other western countries, like Aus and USm UK. Not entirely sure, maybe one of our scandanavian freinds could help us out here
Norsemaiden said:In a sense we can agree on this, although I don't think you have a balanced "both sides" understanding of the issue. You don't say that Communism (as it has been practiced) is loathsome, which probably means you have a liking for the ideology which has led to many millions more horrific deaths than "fascism" has ever been accused of.
"Probably means I have a liking for" Communism?! That's quite a leap! Having lived in Communist China, I suppose I have more direct experience of the ideology than the vast majority of Westerners (not that Communist China is particularly "Communist" these days, but that's a different discussion). No, I'm not terribly impressed with Communism as it's been practiced, but I don't mind professing that I lean to the left.
AS far as Communism causing more deaths than Fascism, I would submit that the Russian and Chinese deaths to which I suppose you refer were mainly due to the historical patterns of unchecked authority in those countries; that is, the "fascist" tendencies of Soviet and Chinese Communism. The deaths in let's just say Nazi (National Socialist) Germany, however, were a direct outgrowth of the ideology itself, combined, of course, with other factors....
Musolinni was a fascist. I'm no fan of the State running everything in a centralised way, as is the case with a fascist State. I much prefer National Socialism, which is not centralised, and is termed a "folkstadt" (people's state). This does not mean I approve of pointlessly aggressive reckless and unjustified war, nor of killing undesirable elements in society. (Unlike Churchill). There are better ways to go about things.
What are these better ways? To go about what "things"? A cursory Google shows "National Socialism" to be effectively synonymous with Nazism. I suppose you have a more nuanced idea? Please explain to me how National Socialism is desirable....
Unfortunately, one may be forced into war for survival (eg. to prevent being invaded by Communists) or be accused by ideological enemies of commiting atrocities that one has never commited. Take these elements away, and there's nothing wrong with National Socialism.
I don't believe being invaded by Communists is a huge threat these days. (What is it with Nazis and their phobia of Communists?!) I don't understand what you're saying about "accused by ideological enemies." Are you saying the Holocaust was a myth propogated by the ideological enemies of the Nazis?? So Nazism is pretty okay once you get past the aggression and genocide... Again, how so? I'm trying to think of a less loathesome political movement to affiliate oneself with....
"Racism", in the sense of hating people for being of a different race, is sad - but can be understandable if someone feels they are under direct attack from an identifyable racial group.
Uh, okay...
"Racism", if it is meant simply as believing races exist and that they have each their own qualities is not loathsome and is sensible IMO.
I've never heard that definition of "racism", but again: okay....
A lot of "ultra right-wingers" may be "scum", but they are far outnumbered in the scum stakes by the "ultra left", who have no utopian ideals, but a fervent hatred of the achievements of, or racial qualities of, others. (Ironically the same fault as exists with the scummy ultra right element.)
Dee Snarl said:Do I, or sensible people, care about "utopian ideals"? About the "racial qualities of others"?? No!
All of your discourse is the same veiled Nazi rhetoric those of us with an interest in such matters have seen all our lives. Nazis don't get pulled into their little "cause" because they find National Socialist economics attractive, or think the autonomous "folkstadt" or whatever is the ideal political entity. People get into Nazism due to hatred of others (which, yes, I understand is ALWAYS couched in terms of "love for the white race"), unfocused rebellion, and the appeal of the dangerous mystique. All the rationalizing and doublespeak in the Vaterland can't hide that you and yours are Nazi apologists and white supremacists.
Dee Snarl said:Nazis don't get pulled into their little "cause" because they find National Socialist economics attractive, or think the autonomous "folkstadt" or whatever is the ideal political entity. People get into Nazism due to hatred of others (which, yes, I understand is ALWAYS couched in terms of "love for the white race"), unfocused rebellion, and the appeal of the dangerous mystique. All the rationalizing and doublespeak in the Vaterland can't hide that you and yours are Nazi apologists and white supremacists. [/COLOR]
Majesty said:40 hour work week in sweden at least,really not that short.
Norsemaiden said:Modern China is perhaps the most National Socialist country on the planet at the moment. Mostly it is about protecting the survival of the native people of your country and protecting your nation's markets from damaging imports. I am not sure of the extent that the Chinese government cares about the welfare of the Chinese people on the whole, but if this were to mean more to China's rulers than revelling in personal power or wealth, then they would be National Socialist. Presumably you are Chinese then?
Is it really true that the Chinese government is back tracking on oppressing the Tibetans and is increasingly tolerant of Budhism, as someone told me today? Sounds like a wise move if so.
speed said:Does she have a sister? What about jobs? Milano is terribly dirty, noisy, big, and un-italian to me. You should move to a more laid back real-Italian city.
The Hubster said:While I have often issues with discussions on National Socialism (being mostly opposed to it)
Devy_Metal said:id move to lago di como, which is 40 mins outside of milan.
infoterror said:I think we need to set aside our fears and use whatever we can to make a better social order. Liberal democracy has some advantages, but clearly will kill us all after breeding us into moronic drones to service corporate machinery. We need a different paradigm.
Dee Snarl said:That's really messed up.