Champions or chumps? Led Zeppalin.


Sep 10, 2002
A stranger in a strange land!
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OK, heres one for ya (As David Coverdale would say!).

There are many bands out there that are considered to be legends. Bands that have changed the face of rock music, and were a great influence for many. Or were they? Maybe they were just boring as f**k?!

So we have Led Zeppelin. Are they champions of rock, or just one of the most overrated, most boring bands ever? I know what side of the fence I sit on! Led Zeppalin have some great songs, there is no doubt about that. But in my opinion, they are the most overrated band in history, with many a very boring, self indulgent song. But what do you lot think?
Pax what you have to do is take yourself back to when Zep where a current band! Back then you can only say that they rocked big time. Now many years later, we have the advantage of havin' seen many many other rock bands, a lot of them influenced by the Zep, so we're spoiled a bit.

But back when they were around it was prob awsome. I like a lot of Zep songs, but there are some that go on a bit. But still some classics and yes I would say the legendary tag should be given to led Zepplin, Three songs to rock too

1. Rock & Roll
2. Black Dog
3. Kashmir

Listen to them......Legendary!!:notworthy
INMHO Overrated ! As Pax says one ot two great tunes,but frankly I find a lot of their stuff "self indulgent" and a lot of tunes are just album fillers...............
A couple of decent songs that have provided good cover material for other bands, i dont dislike them, but im not really a big fan either...Yes, very overated imo!

'Champions or chumps?' could be a good idea for a regular thread
Well it likes most of won't be going to metal hevan/hell.I am shocked at the amount of negative respones here.Where would we be without them?
Picture the scene,its 1969 you have just been to the shop to buy the the Yardbirds guitarest new band.You drop the needle on the record and instead of the blues pop of the yardbirds,your hit in the face by the beat that is good times,bad times.Your life will never be the same again.Jimmy Page plays his guitar like he has not only sold his soul to the devil but also that of evryones he has ever met.John Bonham plays drum which sound like elephants working in a foundry.John Paul Jone's bass hold the whole thing together which just as well because when Robert Plant start to sing the whole sound must have been mindblowng.
It's hard to comprehend now days the importance of Led Zep.We grew up with the foundations of most of what we listen to being laid 25 years previous.Yeah some songs can go on a bit. but it was the end of the sixties,start of the seventies.The hippy generaition was still around.People almost demanded long songs.
As a musical nerd i implore you to just once go back to those albums and try and put yourself back in that time.I garunte you won't be disapointed.Its also worth looking at what else was about at the time.
Oh yeah i like them.:lol: :notworthy :rock:
Well it likes most of won't be going to metal hevan/hell.I am shocked at the amount of negative respones here.Where would we be without them?
Picture the scene,its 1969 you have just been to the shop to buy the the Yardbirds guitarest new band.You drop the needle on the record and instead of the blues pop of the yardbirds,your hit in the face by the beat that is good times,bad times.Your life will never be the same again.Jimmy Page plays his guitar like he has not only sold his soul to the devil but also that of evryones he has ever met.John Bonham plays drum which sound like elephants working in a foundry.John Paul Jone's bass hold the whole thing together which just as well because when Robert Plant start to sing the whole sound must have been mindblowng.
It's hard to comprehend now days the importance of Led Zep.We grew up with the foundations of most of what we listen to being laid 25 years previous.Yeah some songs can go on a bit. but it was the end of the sixties,start of the seventies.The hippy generaition was still around.People almost demanded long songs.
As a musical nerd i implore you to just once go back to those albums and try and put yourself back in that time.I garunte you won't be disapointed.Its also worth looking at what else was about at the time.
Oh yeah i like them.:lol: :notworthy :rock:

Yes thats what I was meanin'!!!!!!!
Im with you wilks all the way......without zep and sabbath where would we be? probably wearing flowers in our hair and hitch hiking to san fransisco.....if your looking for self indulgency try out any album by iron maiden since somewhere in time.... my suggestion is virtual XI absolute shite
Champions for me. I aslo quite like long tunes.

P.s I think Priests forthcoming concept album will have its share of long tracks.
P.s I think Priests forthcoming concept album will have its share of long tracks.

yeah, im thinking it will also, going to be interesting reading peoples opinions on that one! I have a good feeling about it though!

I dont mind long songs myself, im quite partial to the odd epic! Although some of metallica's justice went on a bit
Zep were pretty damned good! If anyone out there fancies trying a longer track that doesn't slow much, try Carouselambra! It's a full power marathon! Bonzo gives his all, Page weighs in with some fine playing, Planty wails likes a cat in heat, Jonesy provides weird keys... It's irresistable for me...


Led Zeppelin were quite simply the dogs bollocks - not just a hard rock (note NOT metal) but they were so much more. You only have to listen to some like Led Zeppelin Vol III next to say Physical Graffiti or Led Zep IV and you can see the breadth of their musical horizons and just as importantly the depth of their musicianship. Plus look at how many bands you like cite them as formative influences and ask yourself why - 'cos they totally ROCK that's why!!