Changing my ProRMP reamp


Apr 21, 2014
Montreal, Canada

So I've always had issues with my ProRMP, that is, it doesn't have enough output. To match the output level of my pickups (D-Activators), I need to crank the ProRMP gain AND! I need to set an increased Hardware Output on my track in Reaper. And not by a small value. I need to crank it by +7dB. At that level... I am on the verge of clipping the output, but at least the sound that comes out of my amp is somewhat similar to my regular tone when I play.

I'm about to just buy something else, I just want to make sure I won't have the same issues. The only other product that is easily available for me is the Palmer Daccapo Reamp.

I can't find any of the other popular ones on the internet for order (in Canada). And I don't wanna spend 500$. The Palmer, I can get it for roughly 200$, which is ok for me.

So ya, I was just posting here to check if anyone would have a last warning theyd' want to give or anything else before I proceed and order the Palmer.

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I had never use the rmp, but the daccapo works nice for me, i don't feel the need to change it