Palmer Daccapo Reamp box :-)

2 short WAVs comparing the Palmer and Radial using Jeff's ROS DI pack.
Apogee mini DAC>Re-amp box>TS808>6505>Recto cab>57&421>ISA828

I hear the Palmer as fatter and clearer with a wider stereo image.
If you import to a session and reverse phase on 1 you can clearly hear the extra low mids of the Palmer and the high mid overloading of the Radial.
This overloading is collapsing the stereo image a bit.
I had to run the Radial with full output gain to get level into the amp.
The Palmer is running with output gain just past 1 o'clock.



BTW I am loving "copy"
20GB of free cloud storage. I no longer need to constantly reorganise my dropbox folder to make space to send WAV files to clients.

The Palmer is crystal clear with no boom or fizz.







Soo my old palmer cuts some high freq - less noise ;)

@mickrich - probably you have new version without filter ! - but mine still less noisy, haha;)
Anyway palmer it's a great choice !
Stay Metal !
I got the Palmer Daccapo additional to the modded Radial ProRMP I had and I must say I can recommend the Palmer.
The sound is almost the same and it has the same output level as the modded RMP.
Thanks for the tip mickrich. Now I can bi-reamp :D
Gonna get myself a Palmer tomorrow, testing in out on monday when reamping an album, let's hear how it will turn out!
From the wavs you provided it seems that what annoyed me the most about my reamps so far could be easier to get a hold of with the palmer.
Somehow it adds a strange choked sound to it.
Gonna get myself a Palmer tomorrow, testing in out on monday when reamping an album, let's hear how it will turn out!
From the wavs you provided it seems that what annoyed me the most about my reamps so far could be easier to get a hold of with the palmer.
Somehow it adds a strange choked sound to it.

Did you get it?
What do you think?
totally forgot to post in here since I raved about it so much on FB haha

it's really awesome, gonna keep it for sure!
Unbelievable how much volume the radial was eating, didn't need to crank everything to get a somewhat useable level.
Didn't have the time to directly compare it to the x-amp, but the level thing alone made it worth to get, cause I didn't have to use a TS to get the level.
So it's hard to say without comparing, but I was happy with all the tones I got, even if I needed to reamp the album again cause it wasn't working in the end.

they uploaded a song today, coincidentally

also another reamp SM57SM7b-TR.mp3

feels like the mids where a lot easier to get a hold off with the palmer, than with the xamp.
And after excessive testing with the xamp I KNOW that it adds a lot of unpleasant mids if you crank it too much.
didn't notice anything like that with the palmer, but I kept it save and had lots of headroom both on the unit and my interface.
Thanks for replying.
It seems that my X-Amp wasn't a one off faulty one then.
You are having the same experience I had when I got the Palmer.
It is so great to be able to use proper gain staging.
I set the output level by looping back a -12DBFS DI and haven't touched the level control since.
Totally agree with your comment on the mids.
The Radial managed to be boomy and scratchy at the same time.

Will listen to the re-amps you posted tomorrow.
At which volume level should i run guitar out of my daw-> audio card when reamping? i usually record signal max at -6db
When I go out of my DAW (Pro Tools, M-Audio 2626 balanced line outs, output level set to -18 dBFS), though the Dacappo and into my amp (Dual Rec) it produces an audible amount of noise. With "audible amount" I mean "more noise than with my guitar plugged directly into the amp".
There's no DI track running, my DAW is not playing anything, so it cannot be my DI-box or anything on the way in.
I am not blaming it on the Dacappo yet, but I cannot think of anything else. Is anybody experiencing the same or does not where this noise comes from?
When I go out of my DAW (Pro Tools, M-Audio 2626 balanced line outs, output level set to -18 dBFS), though the Dacappo and into my amp (Dual Rec) it produces an audible amount of noise. With "audible amount" I mean "more noise than with my guitar plugged directly into the amp".
There's no DI track running, my DAW is not playing anything, so it cannot be my DI-box or anything on the way in.
I am not blaming it on the Dacappo yet, but I cannot think of anything else. Is anybody experiencing the same or does not where this noise comes from?

I have the same issue with my Redeye 3D. so annoying. have yet to figure out what's causing it. I assume it's got something to do with my computer because everytime I move the mouse the noise changes in tone...
I have the same issue with my Redeye 3D. so annoying. have yet to figure out what's causing it. I assume it's got something to do with my computer because everytime I move the mouse the noise changes in tone...

You need an isolating transformer.
The ART DTI works very well and is cheap.
Connect it between your interface output and the re-amp input.
Pretty sure this will 100% solve your problem as I used mine for the exact same thing when I was using the analog line out of my RME Digiface for sending to my re-amper box and had the exact same problem. Hopefully somebody else will post here and confirm this.
(maybe PM deLuther. He certainly knows his stuff)

The DTI is also super handy for splitting signals because you have XLR and balanced jack wired parallel so you can, for example, take the XLR output of a mic pre and split it so you have an XLR and jack output.
I actually use one like this so my API A2D outputs go to my ZED-R16 console and the line in of my ISA828 at the same time.
Any passive reamper circuit already have transformer, even active Radial X-Amp have one output with transformer so no need in additional transformer isolation.
In most cases to have noise at comparable level tp direct guitar you need interface with SNR better than -120 db.
I`m now using interface with loopback noise level around -117 db, it have slightly more noise tan guitar direct into amp, before I`m had interface with converters comparable to 2626 and have more noise (more than 2 times).
I am not an electronics guy at all, but I am not sure if a DTI will help here. I have noise problems with my all-unbalanced Tascam 688 8-track cassette recorder when outboard gear gets connected to it and this will most likely be eliminated by a DTI.
What I am experiencing with the Dacappo is just a higher hiss-level, not the kind of noise that might come from any kind of interference.
You need an isolating transformer.
The ART DTI works very well and is cheap.
Connect it between your interface output and the re-amp input.
Pretty sure this will 100% solve your problem as I used mine for the exact same thing when I was using the analog line out of my RME Digiface for sending to my re-amper box and had the exact same problem. Hopefully somebody else will post here and confirm this.
(maybe PM deLuther. He certainly knows his stuff)

The DTI is also super handy for splitting signals because you have XLR and balanced jack wired parallel so you can, for example, take the XLR output of a mic pre and split it so you have an XLR and jack output.
I actually use one like this so my API A2D outputs go to my ZED-R16 console and the line in of my ISA828 at the same time.

thanks for the hint. I might think about it.
I'm using the RME Babyface and these are the two types of noise / hum I always encounter:

any idea if a isolating transformer could fix that?