Palmer Daccapo Reamp box :-)

hey, sorry to up a two year old thread but I'm having some issues with the Palmer Daccapo (either the palmer or the Steinberg UR44)
But when I plug the Palmer into my amp I got a lot of feedback (it's always there but it's only noticeable when distortion is on)
If I plug the palmer back directly to the soundcard it's even worse, huge volume drop, compressed signal (not because the signal is clipping when it enters the audio interface, trust me, it got plenty of headroom with that volume drop)

EDIT: the problem in video:
Ahem, not sure because I received the UR44 two days ago and I still don't know how it really works (even after reading the manual)
but I deactivated the direct monitoring using the ur44's program, and I set up the outputs in studio one, and I'm also using the output 3 (because 1&2 send the same signal as the monitor's outs) so it should normaly be independents.

Edit: the loopback feature is also deactivated, so it shouldn't hear itself (plus it doesn't explain why there is some feeback when the sounds does not go back to the ur44 (video linked))

EDIT: well it had nothing to do with the reamp box but the UR44, I forgot to deactivate the (software) direct monitoring for Mix2 ... I feel dumb and good at the same time \ o /