Channel levels, computer volume...


May 25, 2006
I have a question about the process of getting the levels right while mixing everything together.

I work with Logic 9 on a MBP. I always leave the master channel fader at 0.0 of course. I have lately been cranking up my computer volume all the way up and then adjusting my channel (drums, guitars, etc.) faders accordingly. I find that it all sounds not-too-loud but not-too-low in the -15 to -20 ranges on the channel volume this normal?

Also, velocities...the default velocity is 80 in Logic, but of course they can go up to 127...besides adjusting them to sound more human if say I'm working with a kick drum track, what should they be at?

I'm still trying to figure out the basics of volume levels but if someone could help me with this simple (but over my head) stuff I would very much appreciate it!
