Chaotic Hardcore: Lots of saturation and bus compression!

Drums we're a starter mapex kit, coated remo's on the batters and I don't think we bothered reskinning the resonant heads. I spent a very long time trying to get the drums to stay in tune, one of the disadvantages of a cheap kit.

As for mics, the kick was an audix d6, snare top and bottom were 57s, the Tom was a D4 and the overheads we're adx51s (yeah I bought that microphone kit...)

The room microphones were what was interesting, we had a pair of ribbon mics in blumlein at around chest height, around 2 meters from the kit, we also had a pair of nt5s in a A/B facing the corners of the room which we placed large sheets of plywood in. There was also a NT2 in omni as far as we could get it.

We sort of took the Jay Maas approach and relied heavily on the overheads and rooms for the drum sound, tuning the snare really low helps. Mix wise the drums are 100% natural bat the kick which was replaced with a sample from the kit for consistency, same deal with the snare but at around 20%. This is the first mix I used rc-tube on and I found that pushing it really hard on the drums just sounded cool, there's also a heap of drum bus compression which is then slammed in parallel, then hitting the 2bus equally hard.

Guitars were a very old JCM800 that was boosted with a different pedal for each song, I believe the track I posted was a SD1, cab was a orange412 with v30s, mic'd with a beta57.

Bass went through our "wall of death," which consists of a kustom solid state head (always forget the model number), a sans amp, a 5150 and a DI. Tracking this is always heaps of fun.

Vocals were my ribbon and a sm7, as in phase as we could get them. We tracked the vocals in the longest takes we could, and everything is only 1 layer to keep it raw. We got the vocalist to move away from the mic in some parts for a little natural reverb.

What is cool (IMO) about the mix is that there is almost no artificial reverb on the kit, it's all rooms. With the exception of the snare which in some parts has a dark plate.

And, I rambled... Sorry about that! Hope someone finds it interesting!