Character - oddities


New Metal Member
Apr 15, 2005
I've tried to write this post about five times now and each time I keep timing out, so I'm going to have to keep this brief.

The first question concerns ripping with iTunes. Character is the only CD in my collection where the comments of its ripped MP3s default to hexidecimal entries. Has anyone else noticed this issue?

The second question concerns several audio errors. I'm trying to determine if the errors are a result of studio production (which has happened before), a faulty disc (which would necessitate a replacement) or poor ripping ('cause iTunes is junk). A specifically blatant error that would be noticable under any circumstances with headphones is located between 2:47 and 2:51 on "The Endless Feed". The drums and vocals also seem to be set a bit high in the mix and occasionally seem to cause popping sounds with headphones ("Senses Tied" is a good example). Am I the only audiophile who notices these issues?

Oh, and one horrendous error at 1:14-1:18 on "Dry Run" that I'm almost positive is a ripping error.

I haven't ripped the disc with EAC or listened to the disc straight yet, both of which might solve these audio problems, but I figure that at least a few of you have already ripped the disc and can probably answer these questions.

The CD's pretty damn good, by the way. I'd pick it up if you don't already own it, it's certainly better than the new Soilwork or Trivium releases.
Normally, I don't expect to time out. You generally don't prepare for situations you don't expect.

If I had to be even more specific, there is a left-channel volume discrepancy located at approximately 2:49 on "The Endless Feed" and a complete sound break at approximately 1:16 on "Dry Run". I'm still listening through the MP3s - I'm only on my second spin right now.
Exaltare said:
Normally, I don't expect to time out. You generally don't prepare for situations you don't expect.

if you check the "remember me" box while logging in, it should do the trick and you won't time out. if you're at a public computer, just clear all cookies once you're done.
i pointed it out because you said you tried five times. around time four i imagine you could have started having a few doubts.

If I had to be even more specific, there is a left-channel volume discrepancy located at approximately 2:49 on "The Endless Feed" and a complete sound break at approximately 1:16 on "Dry Run". I'm still listening through the MP3s - I'm only on my second spin right now.

i'll check the audio cd. you're probably right about the mixing/headphones popping part, but i don't remember noticing anything in terms of sound breaks or volume discrepancies.
Yeah, I went ahead and copy-pasted by my final attempt. I generally don't like being remembered under any circumstances though. Too many annoying experiences with that sort of thing, even using my personal PC at home. Let me know what you find about the audio CD.
Exaltare said:
The first question concerns ripping with iTunes. Character is the only CD in my collection where the comments of its ripped MP3s default to hexidecimal entries. Has anyone else noticed this issue?

A specifically blatant error that would be noticable under any circumstances with headphones is located between 2:47 and 2:51 on "The Endless Feed". The drums and vocals also seem to be set a bit high in the mix and occasionally seem to cause popping sounds with headphones ("Senses Tied" is a good example). Am I the only audiophile who notices these issues?

The CD's pretty damn good, by the way. I'd pick it up if you don't already own it, it's certainly better than the new Soilwork or Trivium releases.

I cant find this "problem" for me its just a few seconds before the "technoid" break and the instruments just fade out or something like that

anyway the cd is really damn good now as you mentioned it :D :headbang: :D
I've noticed something weird since the first listening of The New Build. The first 20 secs sound like someone is playing with the volume level up and down... I've tried to download the song a few times from the internet to see if the versions differ but no. I don't know what might cause this or if it's just me. Other than that the CD is flawless.
I might be wrong, but I think the popping noises are from the Ipod headphones themselves, i have the same problems, but not only with Character but with most music I play...if it's not played on full volume, the popping noises shouldn't be too bad...but DT not on full volume? i dunno if its worth the sacrifice...