How to replace a defect cd

I got my copy of DD today. And I can't find the error. I mean that's nothing bad :D but I'm amazed. Is it possible that I already got one of the corrected CDs? I checked "Final Resistance". And it doesn't seem to end abruptly in any way. And it goes seamless into Track 2. That's how it's supposed to be, right?
@Somber Soul: Yes, you have the corected version. In the defective copy the final word "resistance" is cut a bit in the end.
Oh, cool, thanks. I was thinking about buying an envelope along with the CD in order to send it to CM the next day. But I'm pleased that this won't be necessary. So I guess my longer wait was worth it.
Originally posted by phyre

According to Century Media, not all are corrupted.

i don't trust the bad guys anymore. :p

apparently the uncorrupted one is finally out - somber soul bought one - but right before that every copy i've heard of was flawed.

maybe that's just century media's new method of data warehousing... i mean, they will get the name, sex, adress of every single dt fan in europe... very likely you will have some great amount of flyers, catalogues etc. in your inbox ;)
ok, i'm paranoid.
Originally posted by rahvin

i don't trust the bad guys anymore. :p

apparently the uncorrupted one is finally out - somber soul bought one - but right before that every copy i've heard of was flawed.


I hope it's the flawless one. Or I'm indefinitely stupid. :loco:
Nah, I don't have any part cut off. Anyway, it only arrived in stores this Monday. I didn't get the album for a whole week. So maybe the delay explains why I finally got one of the good versions.
I found another bug in the booklet. I don't know if this has been mentioned before but in the lyrics for "Hours Passed In Exile", all apostrophes (these ones ' ) are shown as "¥".
I just got my CD from Century Media. :)
Included was the CM mailorder catalogue, a Damage Done poster(A1), a Damage Done postcard and a 5 EUR coupon which you can use if you order something from the mailorder. The CD was in a promo slipcase which was in the mailorder catalogue, so it's pretty sure.
Originally posted by phyre
Now I¥ve send my CD away... I really, really do hope they don't break my replacement. And I hope to get lots of free stuff as well.

I did the same today.
I really love your signature, the lyrics to Shores in flames are goosebumpinducing.
BTW, if anyone ever feels like converting the QT clip to a usable format like MPEG or MPEG, please do tell us.

There's a program for windows you can use to convert quicktime into MPEG. I can't remember the name (in library pc), but I can convert it for you and send an MPEG if we see on IRC sometime.
Hail !!!

I Just Got My CD Back From Century Media........

"Something Has Got To Give"..........Dark Tranquillity ! :grin:
Hail !

Yes I Got A Big Poster, A Post Card, and 5 £ I Can Use Through Mailorder


ps: I Have Hoped, They Gave Me The Japanese Bonus Track :)
apparently the uncorrupted one is finally out - somber soul bought one - but right before that every copy I¥ve heard of was flawed.
That¥s what I thought until yesterday...first this shop here didn¥t get the album in time, so I was kinda lucky because it¥d most likely have been a corrupted version. But yesterday, more than a week after the release-date, they got it...I bought it - and it¥s broken anyway. Fuck, this annoys the crap out of me!

@Somber Soul: Yes, you have the corected version. In the defective copy the final word "resistance" is cut a bit in the end.
I don¥t know if I¥m the only one who noticed that, but tracks 1 & 11 are¥t the only ones who are cut off...on those it¥s just more obvious. Several other tracks are cut off to - just listen to the MP3 of Monochromatic Stains and then to the version on the broken CD. On the original the sound of the last drums slowly fade into silence, but on my CD it is cut off at some point where you can still hear it.

Yes, I¥m in a bad mood....