Charitable Disgust

Yep, FEAR is the prime motivator for belief. It was certainly mine when I attempted to conform to this mindless bullshit. Relgions exploit these three most basic characteristic of humans to hold them in the faith-grip:
1) Fear of death
2) Fear of pain
3) Fear of the unknown

FEAR is something all religious people have in common. They find comfort from their fear in faith - knowing full well that faith is actually the cause of the fear they are so desparately running away from. They are afraid when they believe it and even MORE afraid when they don't. It's a viscious circle from which escape is almost impossible, but I believe for some people there is a way out. I have found that once people understand the way religion was constructed to trap and subdue them with their own fears then they *internalize* their fear, they discover that they aren't afraid of some unreasonable god thing, they are afraid of their own thoughts, the realization of which brings about more of a belly-laugh than anxiety.

I think a great many people do not understand the psychology behind religion. These social/political/prophet types who created religions weren't stupid, they devised a way to totally fuck with people's minds in the absolute deepest sense and make them
-defeat their own will,
-disregard their own sense of logic,
-willingly give up their personal liberties,
-pay taxes without question,
-fight in wars,
-never question what the leaders say, and
-turn them into mindless drones who will propogate the religion themselves.

Man that's sick and twisted. It's such a cruel mind-fuck which does such a HUGE amount of harm to individuals and society.

I think religion will eventually die and will be replaced with a better way of expressing love and community, one that is based on logic and compassion instead of selfishness (salvation) and fear (hell). Only then can humanity unite under one cause and further the propagation of our species in a more humanitarian way. I am optimistic this will eventually occur because there is more interbreeding going on between the races and cultures (and therefore the religions which grew from them). Just as eventually everyone will be a shade of brown, I think the great social dividers that are religions will also melt together and, like this concept of "race", eventually just fade from our minds completely.

I can dream, can't I?

I would find it quite entertaining if that when we die, we discover that god is really the evil one, and he has been able to make people reverse the rolls between the devil and him/herself because of his/her immense power. If this were the case then the good people would go to hell and the bad people would go to heaven, oh the irony! :lol:
Anything's possible. Some things certainly appear more likely than others however, but this is just an interpretation and not necessarily an accurate reflection of reality (translation: I am an idiot, I don't know anything with any degree of certainty).

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Satori said:
Yep, FEAR is the prime motivator for belief. It was certainly mine when I attempted to conform to this mindless bullshit. Relgions exploit these three most basic characteristic of humans to hold them in the faith-grip:
1) Fear of death
2) Fear of pain
3) Fear of the unknown

FEAR is something all religious people have in common. They find comfort from their fear in faith - knowing full well that faith is actually the cause of the fear they are so desparately running away from. They are afraid when they believe it and even MORE afraid when they don't. It's a viscious circle from which escape is almost impossible, but I believe for some people there is a way out. I have found that once people understand the way religion was constructed to trap and subdue them with their own fears then they *internalize* their fear, they discover that they aren't afraid of some unreasonable god thing, they are afraid of their own thoughts, the realization of which brings about more of a belly-laugh than anxiety.

I think a great many people do not understand the psychology behind religion. These social/political/prophet types who created religions weren't stupid, they devised a way to totally fuck with people's minds in the absolute deepest sense and make them
-defeat their own will,
-disregard their own sense of logic,
-willingly give up their personal liberties,
-pay taxes without question,
-fight in wars,
-never question what the leaders say, and
-turn them into mindless drones who will propogate the religion themselves.

Man that's sick and twisted. It's such a cruel mind-fuck which does such a HUGE amount of harm to individuals and society.

I think religion will eventually die and will be replaced with a better way of expressing love and community, one that is based on logic and compassion instead of selfishness (salvation) and fear (hell). Only then can humanity unite under one cause and further the propagation of our species in a more humanitarian way. I am optimistic this will eventually occur because there is more interbreeding going on between the races and cultures (and therefore the religions which grew from them). Just as eventually everyone will be a shade of brown, I think the great social dividers that are religions will also melt together and, like this concept of "race", eventually just fade from our minds completely.

I can dream, can't I?

Beautiful, beautiful post. You beautiful, beautiful man.

I say we throw an ode to Adorno and Horkheimer and retreat back before the age of natural myths! Pure unmediated experience as the unifier of all mankind and nature!!! here here!!


God. I really do despise religion. I mean goodness.
to understand why christians belive in God you need to have faith to yourself or there's no point in explaining it. there's nothing to "prove." i know God personally and if you don't it's your loss.
Yes exactly, there literally is 'nothing to prove' in my sincere opinion.

I have full and empowering faith in myself as an independent human agent. That's more than I could ever need already. To believe in anything external to me would be to imprison a part of who I am, a part that I can control.

'The ancient poets animated all sensible objects with Gods or Geniuses, calling them by the names and adorning them with the properties of woods, rivers, mountains, lakes, cities, nations and whatever their enlarged & numerous senses could percieve.
And particularly they studied the genius of each city & country, placing it under its mental deity.

Till a system was formed, which some took advantage of & enslav’d the vulgar by attempting to realize or abstract the mental deities from their objects; thus began Priesthood'

William Blake, 'The Marriage of Heaven and Hell' 1793 (Plate 11)
So... who else is afraid of dying? haha

I'm not afraid of the heaven/hell thing, but i think the whole "emptiness" of death is waht scares me a bit... if we go with the "once you die, that's it, you cease to be and nothing else happens, you have no memories, you feel nothing, you become nothing" approach... then thats one crappy death.

I wanna party eternally.

What I hate is the way that people claim to speak for Catholics when they don't even know the proper teachings of the religion. For starters, Catholicism does NOT teach that all other religions are false. It says that people can find God through all faiths. I think most church teachings are crap, but I believe that Jesus was a smart guy, and the stuff he said is a good way to live.
MasterOLightning said:
Catholicism does NOT teach that all other religions are false. It says that people can find God through all faiths.


And it also teaches that you should accept other faiths and not ridicule them, etc.

Nice to see some people are still paying attention.
Hi, this is my first post but I've been a fan of Opeth for a long time. This topic is particularly intriguing because it made me realize how fucked up religion is. All of you made awesome comments, especially satori. I guess I'm a little nuts, you'll probably laugh at me, but I think there is some point in life, I don't know, some predetermined destiny...some destination that's planned for all of us. I've found the more I search for where this FORCE (I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about, so please excuse me), the more I find parallels and symbolism. deja vu, dreams that predict the future, meaning of events that at the time seemed fucked up but later on I realize that it was meant to happen and all the events in life fit like a puzzle. It's like the more I open my mind the more I find out about life. There's my rant, thanks for reading.