Charitable Disgust


May 2, 2001
.. from grey to black
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So, many years ago I sponsored a little girl in Africa who's family and villiage were starving to death, you know, the monthly payment deal.

Unfortuantely, they are brainwashing this girl with Christianity and it makes me sick. I'd rather she live and be brainwashed than starve to death however, but I can't help but wish there was some other way. I wish they didn't have to fuck with their minds and destory their religion/culture when they feed these people.

I read today she takes part in "christian activities" of singing in the choir and praying. Fuck. I can't believe my money is funding this. I suppose it is the lesser of 2 evils (starving) but I'm still pissed about it. Part of helping others shouldn't be raping them of their own religion and culture, but that is what's happening nonetheless. I wish these christians would just feed and help them without this overwhelming desire to brainwash them. It's pathetic.

There, I've ranted.

you know i agree with you completely. unfortunately they think that giving them christianity is just as beneficial as feeding them, so they aren't doing anything inherently evil...just stupid. and since we've already established that most people are stupid (as evidenced by the fact that most people believe in god), this "service" isn't going to change because there will be no overwhelming call to do so. sigh, it sucks to be enlightened but too lazy to change the world. :p

as an aside, the U.S. media is making this big deal about these two American girls trapped in Afghanistan, who were there doing this brainwashing. everyone thinks this is the epitome of unfair, but i can't help but chuckle. :heh: one god versus another god.
Originally posted by Lina
as an aside, the U.S. media is making this big deal about these two American girls trapped in Afghanistan, who were there doing this brainwashing. everyone thinks this is the epitome of unfair, but i can't help but chuckle. :heh: one god versus another god.

Oh yea, I heard about this, funny stuff. Are they that fucking brainwashed that they are willing to risk their lives? Or that stupid? Oh, I forgot, it's the same thing, hahah,


Too many in this world use religion with the excuse that since things are so bad - you should use religion to help you.

Religion should not be exercised in that way - because I do agree it's brainwashing. Religion is a choice - religion is what the individual makes of it. IF I went to church, should I drag my kids along? Or, should I wait until they grow up to let them decide (which in fact has happened with my kids). My kids know "who" we are religiously, and that's it. We've never fed them with what we believe, only about the heritage of our upbringing.

Geez Satori - you've started another deep thread - but I like to hear the reponses of the devout Christians, to see why they "believe" so strongly.
Originally posted by Lina
as an aside, the U.S. media is making this big deal about these two American girls trapped in Afghanistan, who were there doing this brainwashing. everyone thinks this is the epitome of unfair, but i can't help but chuckle. :heh: one god versus another god.

"My god has a bigger dick than your god." :lol: More wisdom via George Carlin

I am more than inclined to agree with you Satori, however, I only know of these Christian groups that are willing to have sponsorships such as the one you participate in, so I will give them that much. The raping of a people's religion and culture as you so well put does piss me off, immensely. The missionary (brainwasher) unfortunately is here to stay. I simply desire, as I am sure you do that these religious mongers would keep their mind poisons from these people and continue to do the honorable act of feeding and providing health care to those in need.
thats why i hate christian aid, it forces people to convert to Christianity so that they can get food, i mean if i were starving, i'd convert to get food and welfare, its disgusting what they do.
Originally posted by metalmancpa
Geez Satori - you've started another deep thread - but I like to hear the reponses of the devout Christians, to see why they "believe" so strongly.
so would i. but everytime we've had this debate, the believers just say one of the following:

a) "you wouldn't understand"
b) "i can't explain it"
c) "you're not worthy of me telling you"
d) "you can't understand it until you feel it"
e) "when it happens, you'll know"
f) "you just have to have faith"
g) "i don't have to prove it to you"
h) "you'll find out when you die"

that's IF they don't deflect the question entirely, which is what usually happens. Ahhh, i'm remembering those infuriating conversations with Love and Penny where i was earnestly asking this very question, and they flat out REFUSED to answer. and then comes the inevitable and laughable "believing in creationism takes just as much faith as believing in god."

the fact is, you already know why they believe so strongly. they were brainwashed and aren't strong and intelligent enough to question it.
One of the problems that arises every time you attempt to converse with someone who has been brainwashed is that they are usually incapable of holding two ideas in their head at the same time. I find many people to be incapable of this feat of human intelligence. :D
I have something else I would like to add. I have donated to charities in the past, and in many cases you buy a certain item and then a portion of the proceeds (as they say) goes to the charity. Recently, my mom bought a $20 sweatshirt at Hallmark because she was told the proceeds were going to the WTC relief fund. Well, as it turns out only $2 of that $20 goes to the charity, that pisses me off because I know that the sweatshirt could not have possibly cost more than a few dollars to produce, I assure you it is not made of the highest quality fabric. I am angered when people use tragedy to yield profit.
The missionaries in Afghanistan.. what a bad idea. What were they thinking?

"Hey, let's go to a patriarchal country that disallows personal freedoms of any kind, rife with a militant population who have an unwavering faith in their god and society, and tell them that they're wrong. Let's bring to them the love of Jesus. I'm sure they won't mind a couple of pasty white girls pushing a gideon bible in their faces. What a great guy Jesus is. Jesus and I love you."

"Jesus and I love you too!"

Anyone with a head on their shoulders would have turned that assignment down and gone door-to-door with their lil' metal nametags. While missionaries have brought a lot of people to new quarters of the world, they have systematically destroyed hundreds of cultures and religions in a sick attempt at global domination.

What's sad is that I can never bring myself to slap them when they come-a-ringing... :lol:

I just read this and it makes me seem kinda hateful. I'm not, really. And while I don't have a religion, I can respect anothers' beliefs. It's people who don't respect my beliefs and privacy and try to tell me that Hallowe'en is evil (when I'm at work..) that make me furious.
oh wow, im happy i am not the only one that thought it was hilarious that they are being held there. WHen i heard that on the news i gave a chuckle.

I always get people giving me IMs online about how they care about me, because they care about everyone, and i should change my mind and be catholic to save my soul.

I had a very interesting conversation with some moronic catholic girl. After proving her wrong several times, she kept continiously hitting me with the "you got to have faith" statement. check this out :

1)Tori Amos 666: thats probably because you never really believed in god
Mikael is God: i did
Mikael is God: i sure did
Tori Amos 666: no yo didnt
Tori Amos 666: im sorry
Mikael is God: you dont know what i believed or didnt believe
Tori Amos 666: but you never believed in him from the heart
2)Mikael is God: what about all the other 20000 religions
Mikael is God: what about those religions
Mikael is God: what do you say about them
Tori Amos 666: all the other religions are wrong
Mikael is God: yea, and why are they wrong?
Mikael is God: why are they anymore wrong then you?
Mikael is God: thats ignorance
Tori Amos 666: because catholic was the religion that jesus christ founded
Mikael is God: hello
Mikael is God: what about muhammad
Mikael is God: islam
Mikael is God: theres still no proof that jesus christ even existed
Tori Amos 666: "blessed is he who believes without seeing"
Mikael is God: yo
Mikael is God: i dont care
Mikael is God: what the bible says
Mikael is God: you cant prove the bible right
Mikael is God: by using the bible's sayings
3)Tori Amos 666: exactly! why do you believe all those other things that arent proven but you dont believe in god?
Mikael is God: i dont
Mikael is God: i dont believe other things
Mikael is God: that arent proven
Mikael is God: is there a chance aliens exist?
Mikael is God: maybe... do i know? no
Mikael is God: sso do i believe it? no, but i believe its possible
Tori Amos 666: so you dont believe in air?
Mikael is God: i dont believe in air? thats the thing, its proven that air exists
Mikael is God: its called a gass
Mikael is God: elements
Mikael is God: they can take the elements
Mikael is God: and combine them to make air
Mikael is God: or extract water from air
Mikael is God: of course air exists fool
Originally posted by Oyo
That's like on the Simpons (If you don't like it don't read it) and the newspaper lady said "And our newspaper is made with a certain percentage of recycled material". Then Lisa asks, "And what percentage is that?" She replies "Zero" Lisa evileyes "Come on, zero is a percent!"

good episode, and before that when the woman talks about the paper boy who founded the newspaper, and Homer says : 'if hes so great, why is he dead' :lol:
Originally posted by Mikael is God
1)Tori Amos 666: thats probably because you never really believed in god
Mikael is God: i did
Mikael is God: i sure did
Tori Amos 666: no yo didnt
Tori Amos 666: im sorry
Mikael is God: you dont know what i believed or didnt believe
Tori Amos 666: but you never believed in him from the heart
2)Mikael is God: what about all the other 20000 religions
Mikael is God: what about those religions
Mikael is God: what do you say about them
Tori Amos 666: all the other religions are wrong
Mikael is God: yea, and why are they wrong?
Mikael is God: why are they anymore wrong then you?
Mikael is God: thats ignorance
Tori Amos 666: because catholic was the religion that jesus christ founded
Mikael is God: hello
Mikael is God: what about muhammad
Mikael is God: islam
Mikael is God: theres still no proof that jesus christ even existed
Tori Amos 666: "blessed is he who believes without seeing"
Mikael is God: yo
Mikael is God: i dont care
Mikael is God: what the bible says
Mikael is God: you cant prove the bible right
Mikael is God: by using the bible's sayings
3)Tori Amos 666: exactly! why do you believe all those other things that arent proven but you dont believe in god?
Mikael is God: i dont
Mikael is God: i dont believe other things
Mikael is God: that arent proven
Mikael is God: is there a chance aliens exist?
Mikael is God: maybe... do i know? no
Mikael is God: sso do i believe it? no, but i believe its possible
Tori Amos 666: so you dont believe in air?
Mikael is God: i dont believe in air? thats the thing, its proven that air exists
Mikael is God: its called a gass
Mikael is God: elements
Mikael is God: they can take the elements
Mikael is God: and combine them to make air
Mikael is God: or extract water from air
Mikael is God: of course air exists fool

How can people possibly be this close-minded? Tell me please, what is so difficult about opening your mind to other ideas? Do some people simply lack the intelligence to avoid being controlled? Or is it fear? I would suffice to say that one reason people buy into the religion idea is the fear it has managed to instill within people. Thankfully, I was able to resist religions attempts. I'll see you all in hell :D
Originally posted by Soul4Raziel
I have something else I would like to add. I have donated to charities in the past, and in many cases you buy a certain item and then a portion of the proceeds (as they say) goes to the charity. Recently, my mom bought a $20 sweatshirt at Hallmark because she was told the proceeds were going to the WTC relief fund. Well, as it turns out only $2 of that $20 goes to the charity, that pisses me off because I know that the sweatshirt could not have possibly cost more than a few dollars to produce, I assure you it is not made of the highest quality fabric. I am angered when people use tragedy to yield profit.

This reminded me of a story I heard after the 11th. Some firemen and civilian helpers were helping some wounded and went into a Starbucks to get some water for them, this is immediately after the plane crashes and shit. The clerk refused to give it to them and asked them to pay something like 130 bucks for the case of water. The scraped together the cash out of their pockets and paid for the water. Later, Starbucks apologized and returned the money.

How can people be so stupid? Geesh.

Originally posted by Satori

This reminded me of a story I heard after the 11th. Some firemen and civilian helpers were helping some wounded and went into a Starbucks to get some water for them, this is immediately after the plane crashes and shit. The clerk refused to give it to them and asked them to pay something like 130 bucks for the case of water. The scraped together the cash out of their pockets and paid for the water. Later, Starbucks apologized and returned the money.

How can people be so stupid? Geesh.


US capitalism - isn't it a beute?