A song about..hmm feeding a woman :)

Felix Neumann

Sep 14, 2008
Hey Dudes,

I´m just workin´on a funny song with my Band. The lyrics are finished so far..and I want to show you this. It´s about a girl, who becomes more & more fat, because her boyfriend wanna feed her to death...lol hard stuff, I know. IT´S NOT A discriminatory, we all love woman..also the huge girls :rock:

The song is called "Bacon Vamps".

we visit Burger King every day
For eternety there she would stay

If she´d have one wish to wish
It wouldn´t surely be broccoli or fish

day by day and nearly every night
she wants to start an awesome burger fight

I watch her ass and I become hot
wanna swim her harbour for a shot

bank, give me credit to feed my babe
I don´t want that she moves out of my bed

whole lotta woman, is that what i need
come go on eating, I love it to feed!!!

O baby, baby let me fatten your thigh
The view on your huge body makes me so high

XX large and hundreds of them
double cheese and you´re my bacon vamp!!!!

I watch her eating and I become wild
wanna feed her like a pig every night

time runs on and on girl you can feel
tonnes of burgers and you´ll look like a seal

day by day and nearly every night
she wanna starts another burger fight

I don´t care about the Fuck they say
On fallen knees I say..please merry me!!!

This song is just now in production. We have the drums, the guitars and the vocals. The Bass I will record today..I think this (I would say thrash metal)song will be finished the next week.

Cheers :kickass:
This HAVE to become a powerballad, like this one:

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