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Originally posted by [KOTNO]Narrot

nana! school rulez compared to work :spin:

I don't think so... I hated school .. and university... :err: I was obliged to go to school, kinda... and for working I get money.... so....:err:

I know you get money without being obliged to work, but I love the feeling of independence.... I used to feel like a parasite some years ago as I didn't have my own money...:err:
Originally posted by [KOTNO]Narrot

aha! tee's a parasite that lives for just one goal....mind control :P

well...i feel independend. my parents are paing and i have a good life. i have much freetime and i got no problems in school even if i never do homeworks......why should i work??

not worth discussing...:err:
Seems i am alone! even though i have the sense some r watching.
Why do i get the sense that i am not wanted here anymore???

Metalized me
Originally posted by metalized
Seems i am alone! even though i have the sense some r watching.
Why do i get the sense that i am not wanted here anymore???

Metalized me
got that right motherfucker.
go drink some hot cup of choco to make u feel better.
off to hell with u.

metalized myself.
Originally posted by Neverlady

At least??????? God, if noone's there, I am good???? :(

it's not what I meant and you know that!!!!!:err: I said that because I see who is ON.... but I also know that you're the only one who would want to talk to me at the moment.....or wouldn't...:err: :cry: sorry... :cry:
Originally posted by Tee

it's not what I meant and you know that!!!!!:err: I said that because I see who is ON.... but I also know that you're the only one who would want to talk to me at the moment.....or wouldn't...:err: :cry: sorry... :cry:
I would!! I always would, you know that!!!!
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