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Originally posted by Tee

not bad....:err: you?:err: :grin:
i need some rest! yesterday i had to work at my parents' restaurant. slept at about 2:30 am, woke up after 5 hrs and off to work. i am veeeeerrrryyyy sleeepppyyy! :zzz:.

Guess what tho? tomorrow is my last working day for this year.:grin: :cool:
Originally posted by Tee

hmm.. that means you're going on vacations???:err:
nah! just resting. i do think of driving to zagremb, tho! at new years eve! it would be an unique chance to see you both offline and live.:grin:
Originally posted by metalized
nah! just resting. i do think of driving to zagremb, tho! at new years eve! it would be an unique chance to see you both offline and live.:grin:

then you better come to Budapest as we're planning to be there...:loco: (would you like to see my fiance too?:err: :goggly: )
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