cheap dark genesis

It's $108 at JB. Pity I'm not that keen on getting it, otherwise I'd have it by now. Maybe when I get a job I'll buy it for myself for a pressie.
I think its 90 dollars from or maybe its not, I cant remember, but it might be because I think it was.
I'm pretty trustworthy Mr Spruce :)
It's in great condition and I don't 'really' want to sell it. I havn't even listened to each disc yet..
I give Sydo my Official Spawny Seal Of Trust, so never fear when dealing with said person :D
Originally posted by Blitzkrieg

Then why are ya, may I ask? :)

I need the money, and would rather have Days Of Purgatory.

Only 5 hours remaining, and it's still at $61 - that's a BARGAIN!
I'm trying to register but the silly thing won't let me!! Keeps saying that my email address isn't valid, but I've put three in now!

Hold tight, Sydo!