What sells on eBay?

with wholesale purchases. Ive heard a lot of companies aren't interested unless you have an ABN or something?
whats the go with Tax and shit with an ABN? Does it make it more complicated?

sorry if these questions sound stupid, but I honestly know fuck all about abn's and taxes and shit.
It does make filling out a tax return into a small nightmare. You have to fill out the main return, plus the supplement, plus the Business and Professional Items and basically put the same thing on all three, but you can write off just about anything and decrease your taxable income so you get shitloads back. Last year we got back about $5000 between us. I even got the guy who vacuumed our carpet to write a tax invoice so I can claim it as a business expense. The paperwork is a shitfight, but the benefits even it out.
Ive been wanting to start an ebay shop for sometime but I was scared off by all the bullshit. Thanks for clearing some things up for me Brian!

Nah mate, go for it. The coolest thing is that you qualify as an ABN holder if you make as little as $50 a week from private enterprise outside your regular income. So you can do fuck all, sell a service or good for $50 once a week (or not even that often) and you qualify as a business and can claim percentages of your rent, internet usage, phone and bills etc. as tax deductions. As I said, it's the biggest scam in Australian history.
If you couldn't be fucked actually running a business though, you give your mate 50 bucks, and get him to say you mowed his lawn. He gives you back your money, and a legal transaction has taken place.
Technically, you have to stipulate what sort of business you're running. If you're selling t-shirts over the Internet and then claim income from mowing a neighbour's lawn you might cop a nice visit from an auditor. But apart from that, it's a pretty easy scam.
:lol: That'd narrow it down. I wonder what category it'd fall under.

Do you have to make $50 a week on average to get one, Brian? That'd be $600 a year. I'm pretty sure you have to make $50k to be required to get one, but I didn't know there was a minimum amount. I deal with ABNs all day long, but have never looked into getting one. Hmmm I might have to look into this more thoroughly.

Thanks for the leg-up, Mark! I'll do a bit of research based on your advice.

Info on ABNs (and getting one): http://www.ato.gov.au/businesses/pathway.asp?pc=001/003/021&mfp=001&mnu=59#001_003_021
No, you need an ABN if you make more than $50. You only need to register for the GST if you make more than $50,000. But it's easier if you do both because, who knows, you might start off making a few bob here and there and then suddenly hit the jackpot, and if you haven't registered for GST, well then you're fucked.
Ah yes, the GST. That's the one. I assume then that if you make less than $50,000 you don't have to charge GST? There are a lot of ABNs which aren't registered for GST.
I believe that's right. I had an ABN (and never made a cent) before I left Australia; I did have to put in a business tax return, even though it stated I'd had no income. I think. Shit, that was years ago now :D

Good luck with the CD thing, though! If you ever need a UK source for CDs, singles etc, let me know.
I got $130 bucks for a old Skateboard I couldn't believe it.

Remembered when that chick sold her Virginity on Ebay and got 20,000 or so british pounds.
I've had an ABN for a couple of years now, and never made anything on it either. All I do is lodge nil-activity statements every quarter, and do regular tax returns. If I ever made money on it then it might be different, but I don't, so it doesn't matter.

I'm probably not using it to its full potential, either, but doing that sounds like work so I don't bother.