Cheap DIY projects?

Why not build yourself a Tube Screamer? I think it's not very complicated and it can sure come in handy :)
At one time ( a looong time ago) I had a book called "Electronic Projects For Musicians" by Craig Anderton. It was a great book for this sort of thing and got me started in electronics. Made fuzz boxes, phase shifters, compressors (which I later modified to noise gates and de-essers) when I was too poor to buy stuff. Back in the day, I ran my little Rockman into the tube(like) fuzz box, heavily EQ'd. That little beast F'ing slayed just about anything on the market at the time, just didn't have that tube "feel". Wish I still had it, would be curious to hear it through impulses now!
Thanks for the link dreamcatcher, tho' I've already had my share of pedal building :) is one of my favorite stomp box schematics sites, it's got nice layout pics and clear step-by-step instructions for people like me, heh. I was thinking more of something more general, like a simple EQ to use with my Firepod or something equally useless :)
At one time ( a looong time ago) I had a book called "Electronic Projects For Musicians" by Craig Anderton. It was a great book for this sort of thing and got me started in electronics. Made fuzz boxes, phase shifters, compressors (which I later modified to noise gates and de-essers) when I was too poor to buy stuff. Back in the day, I ran my little Rockman into the tube(like) fuzz box, heavily EQ'd. That little beast F'ing slayed just about anything on the market at the time, just didn't have that tube "feel". Wish I still had it, would be curious to hear it through impulses now!

Yeah, I wanted to build a Quadrafuzz in the worst way back then
I'm in the process of ordering the necessary parts to build an SSL buss compressor clone! :heh:

I just realized that red face looks like my avatar, haha!