Cheap/small amp recomendation


May 9, 2006
Hey folks,

My father is going to the US in the next month or so to buy a new cam for him (believe, it is cheaper to fly to the US and buy it there than buying it here in Brazil with taxes+shipping+seller profit) so i am thinkin of asking him to bring me a new amp to the studio. The thing is : It must be small (he´s 72 so he cant be carrying a 40-50lb head around) and it must be on the cheap side (I have two daughters to buy diapers :lol::lol::lol:). I was think maybe a Krank Rev Jr but i am looking for other suggestions from you guys. I´d love a Randall RM series amp but that may be a little too expensive/big for what i can/want.

If weight and cost are the real requirements, I'd say either the Krank Rev Jr., the Blackstar HT-5H. The Rev Jr. would be the one to go with if you like that tone, and are looking for something to possibly play small live gigs with as it is a 20w head, while the Blackstar offers both the option switching between a traditional UK voicing or a USA one, but is only a 5w head more for studio use only. The Blackstar will run you about $200.00 cheaper also.

I also just thought of the new Jet City JCA20H as another smaller option at 20w and only $299.00.

So - one of these possibly (all smaller and on the cheaper side):



Jet City
Doesnt need to be really high gain - I mean, metal high gain. I dont play or record much metal, but i still want something I can record rock/modern rock on, because that´s what i record the most.