Check out my Drumsound & Bass...(real shit)

Seems kick and bass fight a bit for the freqs, but the sounds are really nice.
Moar grind on the bass would be awesome :lol:
Thanks dude! Yeah, i think the kick isn´t that hearable this time. Moar Grind is a cool thing and doesn´t afraid of anything, I know :lol: I prefer a non distorted bass least for this track. Thanks for giving it a listen :kickass:
Thanks dude! Yeah, i think the kick isn´t that hearable this time. Moar Grind is a cool thing and doesn´t afraid of anything, I know :lol: I prefer a non distorted bass least for this track. Thanks for giving it a listen :kickass:

It only needs a little tailoring to make it stick out a bit more I think.
maybe you need to adjust in anyway when the geetars come in ;)

Yeah I also like clean bass sounds...but I also like the word "MOAAAARRR" :lol:
The OH´s are fucking sweet sounding. Can you tell a little more, mics, eq...

Thank you very much, dude. I´ve used Samson overhead microphones. Pretty non expensive stuff, but I still use the kick drum mic and the OH.

For the two OH channels I killed a lot of frequences, quite all between 100 hz and 1khz. Though I think, the eq set up depends on the room you´re recording.´I´d certainly use different set up in another room.
probably the best bass sound I ve heard in a while!
drumz are also nice, well definable. maybe some more punch/body would be good to the snare, but it depends on the genre I guess.
great job!

Oh man, thank you very much. Good to hear, you liked it :kickass:

Yeah the snare sounds still a bit flat, I agree. It will be Heavy Metal/Powermetal song in the end.
Clean drum sound but I would like to see the kick getting beefed up a little bit more. As for how, I'm not sure but some more compression, maybe EQing, maybe both. Boost some lows before a compressor, then compress? That's really all I've got to say but I don't know what the final product is "supposed" to sound like but this is a very good starting point. I think you can sculpt this into any sound you want.
Hey Felix

Sounds great man! Snare is definitely a bit flat sounding ... needs MOAR SMACK. Other than that the tones themselves are really nice and the bass is really good as well ... thats the sound I tend to go for more often than not so adding "MOAR GRIND" would be a matter of personal preference but I think we all knew Marco would say that ;) hahaha

Looking forward to hearing the rest of the elements as you add them in!
Thanks guys for taking the time to listen to my stuff :kickass: I appreciate it.

@Erkan, yeah I pretty much agree with all you´ve said. This is "supposed" to be a classic Metal song in the end, so I don´t really need a machine gun kick, but yeah it needs a bit moar beef!! :)

@Carlos..haha MOAR SMACK, yeah I see where I can improve a lot more...the kick could be more aggressive.

The rest of the elements are currently in progress, riffs & vocal melodys are written already, even the artwork for this song is nearly finished. The only thing, I´m bloody stuck...IS THE FUCKING LYRICS! :D I hate doin´ lyrics...bah! Only because of that, all is in stagnation now.
Bass is fucking great.
Kick probably needs more tightness... try compressing it a bit more.
Snare needs a bit of body... more "machoness"...fuck, it is do difficult to describe sounds... and in a foreign language ever worse!

Thank you very much, Jevo! I´ll do another mixing session tomorrow and fix those things, you guys all agreed with each other: Kick more beef - Snare more body!


Yeah our own Analgrinder333 is up for reamping the tracks for the song. For the case some of you chaps wanna play around with a bit, as´s the package.

For the case some of you chaps wanna play around with a bit, as´s the package.


I took the day off work so I had a quick, headachy go at this one:

I love the snare sound, and actually all the drums were very natural sounding, I couldnt do much with the kick, seems maybe a bit quiet on certain parts but since it's all-in-one backing drum track, no big deal. The guitar chain is TSE808, LexTAC and LeCab(1.0c) with Guitarhack's Fredman Straight/Angled impulses, and then some eq (hp @ roughly 7500hz, a thin notch right around 6500hz, and a boost @ 200-350hz). Tried not to over-gain the guitar so this is the blue channel on the LexTAC. cheers!
Other than that the tones themselves are really nice and the bass is really good as well ... thats the sound I tend to go for more often than not so adding "MOAR GRIND" would be a matter of personal preference but I think we all knew Marco would say that ;) hahaha

Hahaha Carlos, I also love great sounding clean bass tracks, but most basses I worked with until now weren't capable of that ;)
Another reason why I'm having a break of clean bass tracks is that the only thing had to work with for bass were the clean models of my tonelab. As soon as I'm having a great bass at home I'm giving them a chance again, but for now it's MOAR GRIND still ;)
the clean bass sound you have for your tracks is awesome btw, and works great with your bassplayer (he can play his (your^^) shit, obviously)

Felix, do I remeber correct if I say that you had a track once were the bass had a very thin, easy audible bass grind with lots of highs?

edit: btw, I think the snare sounds cool that way, depending on the song I'm not sure if you really need more smack or not..havent take a look at the files yet though...
So, I recorded some guitars test wise. The guitars will be replaced with some reamps then, but let me know what you think about the riffing so far. Feel free to laugh about the exaggerated vibrato...I know it´s too much :lol: And the 16´ riffing will be harmonized as fuck at the end. But it´s still all about the drums and how it works together with the other elements. Here ya go:

I the kick still too quite? I´d have to do some annoying cut and editing work again, for the case I´d have to treat the kick again. Bah! Is the kick pushing through good enough?

@Masterbeast thanks for your attempt and your words about the drums :kickass: It was a good choice to use not too much gain. The mix sounds a bit too muddy/bassy..could be a bit more clear imo.

Felix, do I remeber correct if I say that you had a track once were the bass had a very thin, easy audible bass grind with lots of highs?

Hmmm I´m not sure, Mago :) My bass sound didn´t change that much the last years, but I still try to improve it more. Distortion I never used for one of my bass sounds...yet.
Hmmm I´m not sure, Mago :) My bass sound didn´t change that much the last years, but I still try to improve it more. Distortion I never used for one of my bass sounds...yet.

Ah well, than maybe it was just audible highs of a clean bass ^^

listened to the last mix mix, sounds nice dude :headbang:
keen to hear what this will be once the melodies and vocals are in :)