Drum experts - any tips for improvement? (real drums with 7 mics)

Felix Neumann

Sep 14, 2008
I dig it! Nice ambience :D

Personally some more weight at 200hz on the snare is a must for me but thats really cool Felix! I want real drum set :(:(:(
I dig it! Nice ambience :D

Personally some more weight at 200hz on the snare is a must for me but thats really cool Felix! I want real drum set :(:(:(

Thank you, James :kickass:

The reverb was added after I recorded 2 Guitar, and the bass (test wise). I don´t like this reverb here without guitars, but in the mix it sounds pretty good. Strange physics :goggly:

Do you have not enough space for a small drumset in your studio room? You don´t really have to buy an expensive one, but the cymbals should be very good :)
Wow! Really good sound dude, you are improving a lot. ;) The toms and the kick need low end, they have too much mids and the hit hat is super bright, so bright that almost hurts my ears!lol In conclusion, this will need some work to fit in a context. But you already have the basis, that is a good drum sound.
Wow! Really good sound dude, you are improving a lot. ;) The toms and the kick need low end, they have too much mids and the hit hat is super bright, so bright that almost hurts my ears!lol In conclusion, this will need some work to fit in a context. But you already have the basis, that is a good drum sound.

Thank you very much, buddy :rock:

It´s good, you did a small analysis, cause my fucking hearing is kind of damaged after the drumsession yesterday. It´s very strange mixing own played drums and I´m too impatient to maintain distance to it. After I played it, I immediately wanna start to mix :rolleyes: I´m in idiot.

I take your words into account, dudes :kickass:
Kicks a bit too wet sounding for my tastes. Are you adding verb to the kick??? I'd get rid of it personally, or sidechain the ambient mics so that they go about 4/5 db lower when the kick keys it.
Sounds pretty good! Did you use a bottom snare mic? If so i think you can bring it down a little because it's overpowering the main snare slightly. I think the toms are a little wet sounding, you might bring up the close mics a little. And the cymbals sound very high shelfed, especially the HH and ride, it's a little painful :) Furthermore great sound!
really good sound man!
Some more meat on the snare would be nice, it sound a bit thin right now.
the kick is really cool, i dig it!
Overheads are a bit bright...
bin scho gspannt wie das im mix klingt hehe
Thanks dudes, this is good to hear! :)

Sounds pretty good! Did you use a bottom snare mic?

Not directly, but I used a sample where I miced both sides and added it to the original signal (60%). The snare is the only element I usually replace, because of the hi-hat dirt in the snare mic.

About the cymbals. I know, it sounds too high shelved by listening only to the drum sum, but in the full mix there are usually some elements covering the cymbals and often the "Pain" is gone then. I have to find a balance between enforcement assets and avoid pain :lol:

bin scho gspannt wie das im mix klingt hehe

Ich werd´s bald hier posten :) Dankschee, Mago!
sounds pretty good to me, except for the kick. It's just not really doin it for me. sounds loose and flappy if you know what i mean. (not suppose to be sexual, just came out that way lol) try tightening your kick drum heads (I don't know which one the sound is coming from) or if it's a trigger/replacement, try one that sound more tight.
sounds pretty good to me, except for the kick. It's just not really doin it for me. sounds loose and flappy if you know what i mean. (not suppose to be sexual, just came out that way lol) try tightening your kick drum heads (I don't know which one the sound is coming from) or if it's a trigger/replacement, try one that sound more tight.

Thanks for your opinion, dude. Here is the drums together with bass and two reamped rythm guitar signals.


What do you think about it?
The guitars seem like that are lacking some bite. They are just there.

But I do love the drums. :)

What room did you track them in?

Thanks you! :) Oh please forget the guitars, dude! The d.i tracks were quite shit. This here is all about the drums.

My room isn´t that big, 4 x 9 meters I guess, I have wooden roof (obliquely), carpet on the ground and pretty normal cement walls. Sometimes I use a portable diffuse for one side (so that each sides has another material), but not for this track. It´s not easy to describe it in detail, so I´ll better take some pictures then.