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Jul 10, 2005
Just fucking kidding, but does any one in here lift weights, Ive been lifting for Maybe 2-3 months, I started out as a fat fuck, but now Im getting pretty buff. I think working out is the shit, all guys should lift weights. Bitches.
hey BMT, please stop with the b...... ok?
there are woman on this forum who are sisters, mothers, daughters
and they should be given respect, thanks

So you were fat and worked out for a couple of months and now your buff and have huge muscles. Pretty good man. It took me about 2 years and a decent amount of (legal) supplements to get "buff" as you would call it.

I gotta agree with certified though, the b1tch thing and your demeanor overall comes off as rather immature. So by all means, continue to "keep it gangsta" but do so without being a dumb@ss.
TB666 said:
I removed the bitch from the titel.
Carry on gentlemen.


cool finally someone that isnt pussy, Whats your max, Mine are kinda low, 225 bench, 300 squat,315 deadlift
why are guys obsessed with building muscles? I hate that. to me, it just screams "im insecure!"
i mean, nice regular muscles are fine, when you get them from excersize and a healthy lifestyle, but i hate those buff huge guys that spend hours staring at themselves in the gym mirrors. to me, its disgusting, almost as bad as being obese. just... unnatural.

but of course, that's just me. many other females (and males) probably disagree.
I weigh around 190. Im not obsessed with building muscles hitori, I just want the best physique and to be as strong as possible, its fun to lift 3 80 pound bags of concret at work with no problem, or to go in a mosh pit at a show and throw people around. Im not insecure either, I was when I was all fat, but now Im almost happy with myself. Im aiming for a 315 pound bench and to be solid as a rock everywhere with very very little body fat. Hitori are you a guy or a girl.
BeyondtheUnholyGrave said:

So you were fat and worked out for a couple of months and now your buff and have huge muscles. Pretty good man. It took me about 2 years and a decent amount of (legal) supplements to get "buff" as you would call it.

I gotta agree with certified though, the b1tch thing and your demeanor overall comes off as rather immature. So by all means, continue to "keep it gangsta" but do so without being a dumb@ss.

I would agree, but the way Certified made his point was very limp-wristed.

A few things:

"No men who really think deeply about women retain a high opinion of them; men either despise women or they have never thought seriously about them." ~ Otto Weininger

"Only a male intellect clouded by the sexual drive could call the stunted, narrow-shouldered, broad-hipped and short-legged sex the fair sex." ~ Arthur Schopenhauer

"The weakness of their reasoning faculty also explains why women show more sympathy for the unfortunate than men; . . . and why, on the contrary, they are inferior to men as regards justice, and less honourable and conscientious." ~ Arthur Schopenhauer


Thanks for your time and have a nice day.
i cant believe you bother digging up a bunch of quotes and a fucking picture in a chat forum just so that some people can flame you for holding what you know to be extreme and dissenting opinions?
Erik said:
i cant believe you bother digging up a bunch of quotes and a fucking picture in a chat forum just so that some people can flame you for holding what you know to be extreme and dissenting opinions?

I dug all of that up in roughly 2 minutes. It wasn't much bother at all.
Demiurge just proved my point that guys who work out obsessively end up falling in love with their own muscled reflection and have an erroneous, self-serving view on women.

female, though i dont see how it matters in this discussion
Just wondering, you make it sound like your so disgusted by muscles. You probably go for scrawny guys with small dicks that make you feel better because thats all you can get, or you are a pussy muncher.
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