Check out this Sea Monster

pretty scary stuff.

some of the things they pull up from the depths of the ocean are amazing... Although in saying that, so are a lot of the things on land which we don't know about!
Blitzkrieg said:
I think it's a strange that there is so many parts of the ocean that have never been explored
Seaquest DSV explored most of the ocean. They had many amazing adventures under the surface too. I guess there wouldn't by much left unexplored anymore.
Koichi said:
what the hell would you do that sydo?
Breed. What else?
That thing is awesome! I had a pic on my comp a little while ago of a mammoth squid they caught in fishing nets off New Zealand. Apparently there's giant squids, and then there's these things called mammoth squids which are twice are big! The suckers on their tentacles have razor sharp hooks on them that could cut a person to shreds in seconds.
Sydo said:
Seaquest DSV explored most of the ocean. The ad many amazing adventures under the surface too. I guess there wouldn't by much left unexplored anymore.

Theres also Captain Nemo, Sub-Mariner, Namor, The Little Mermaid... Ocean is unexplored my ass!