Check this meshuggish rough clip: "CHUGAWOOKA"

The Unavoidable said:
Sure it sounds great, though I would hardly call it an "original" song! :p

It's only a way of talking :lol:

anestic said:
O very good like the song ..can you tell more about the guitar and drum settings

Well, my guitar is Prominy SC with Peavey Revalver MKIII + Engl v30 IR, and drums are Superior 2.0 with all the bleeding active.

elmoe said:
nice! i like the riffing, mix is good too, good job

Thank you indeed! Btw, as I said before, any advice will be received grately. :oops:

slayercannibalsuffohead said:
I dig the 1st part, very professional. 2nd half lost some balls and impact though.

Really? Well, keeping in mind that I made the initial riff while hitting with 2 pencils on my desk and humming the guitar part :lol:
djent with mk3? interesting. the force is strong in this one.

fucking well good mix. sounds really professional, i think.

an SD2 preset would be much appreciated! aha.
whoa, what?! i just googled Prominy SC.. had no idea it was a *sample library*! that's pretty damn good!
Hello everybody!


Yes. They are sampled guitars. Everything in my song is sampled. Everything is virtual. Nothing is real. I am a motherfucking faker! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA! :heh::heh::heh::heh::heh::heh::heh::heh::heh:

Maroon_hate y AgeofGeburah:

The preset of my distortion is like this:

Limiter + "Peavey 6505+" Amp + Engl V30 SM57 IR Cab

- Threshold: -32
- Speed: 50
- Volume: 6

- Pre: 7
- Low: 6
- Mid: 5
- Hi: 5
- Post: 3
- Resonance: 5
- Presence: 10
- Output: 0

dcdanman, recemgsol, Lowberg, Scar_Symmetry

Yeah, me and my way of "recording":rolleyes: guitars are a bit freaking scary, aren't we? hehehehehe :heh:


Las guitarras me venían con afinación en C. Lo que he hecho ha sido exportar las guitarras en WAV y luego bajarles el pitch.

Guitars were in C tuning. What I did is to export them in a WAV file and, later, pitch them down.
I've uploaded a screenshot of my MKIII config:


Btw, Superior 2.0 had the mics routed in my DAW, Samplitude 10, but I've used most parts from the "Avatar" kit :headbang: